Agree... Nintendo is predictable and old news. Everyone should have a Nintendo console once in their lifetime to play their franchises, but once you've owned one you're done. All they ever do is re-release the same games over and over and over.
When my son gets a little older, I'm sure I will get him a Nintendo console as his first one - I think everyone should start out with the big N. But for me, the N64 was the last time I had any interest in Nintendo.
@ssj2los @ptnull @rktPYZQShWz @fluffy_puppy666 I love how defensive console-only gamers get when you point out to them that their precious graphics are crap and that if they actually want to be getting good graphics they should be on the PC...
I don't have anything against consoles, but the PC really has zero downside to a console except that it has a slightly higher entry cost (~$500 for a budget gaming PC). However, that more expensive entry price sticker gets you correspondingly better graphics than the consoles have.
I also find it funny that some console gamers will have absolutely no issue dropping $1-2k on their HDTV but then complain about how supposedly expensive PC gaming is... hypocrite much?
@Fighting40 This is common practice for big AAA games. Review sites get early copies to post reviews in order to drive hype/sales of the eventual game itself.
The_Beanster's comments