@Monkeystrummer Good point mentioning Halo. I am a big Halo fan, but the fact that Nintendo series get trashed for so many releases whereas Halo gets a free pass is really something. How many Halos have we seen on the 360 alone? Five, I believe. And if you include Halo Wars, we have seen eight total entries in the franchise since its birth back in 2002. It is close to averaging one entry per year! But you know what, give me more Halo if the quality remains good, and I feel the same about Nintendo's flagship franchises.
Either way, Galaxy 2 was not merely a "by- the- numbers-sequel." Mr. McShea made that statement in his review of his game. It was diverse enough and offered a number of new additions to greatly differentiate it from its predecessor. A direct, numbered sequel by Nintendo shouldn't be a crime considering that other developers are far more guilty of it than they are.
@bicelis "Bad things" is a broad term. Do you not recognize how many recreational activities involve guns? It's a hobby to collect them, for many. And it's faulty to put guns on the same level as prostitution and drugs. Gun issues are gun issues. The slavery comparison is faulty, too. Completely taking away someone's freedom is different than allowing someone who is responsible to own a gun for hunting, collection, or sport. Can we stop the slavery comparisons with so many modern issues? If one wants to use slavery analogies, make sure it is in good context to do so, such as when talking about oppressive countries like North Korea, not guns.
And it seems weird to you because you are from a different country, of course.
@Bushnov The book I alluded to is a pro-homosexual book. I was not questioning any person's credentials; I was just making a connection. The point of my post was to point out that our society's dominant view, secular humanism, is being shoved down our throats. I honestly do not see how any person, especially one involved in university could deny or even be upset about that fact. I personally would not have the audacity to make comparisons between slavery and today's homosexual community. Being an Ivy-Leaguer, you know your history. Denial of the most basic human rights is much different than someone merely questioning or judging a behavior as destructive (statistics prove this). You know one of the telltale signs that a society is on the brink of collapse? The bottom-line is, if someone wants to be involved in that kind of lifestyle, I cannot stop them, but it does not mean I have to change my worldview. And I will continue to state the fact that secular humanism is by far the dominant worldview in our society, being thrown at us from every direction.
Are you a university student? I am a junior at a small town South Carolina University, and it is clear to me. There is a book called "After the Ball" that lays out how the homosexual agenda can be pushed by infiltrating media and education, demonizing those who disagree in the slightest. Highly influential book.
@SwimSwimHungry I think the "God botherers" will (or should) just stay away from this type of thing if they disagree with it. If God botherer means one who has morals due to religious convictions, then I qualify, but I'm not boycotting anything. Rather, I'll avoid it and allude to such things as an example of where our culture is right now; it's not a healthy state.
@N-K0d3R And that would have been a poor decision. Come on now, would Nintendo really release the next entry in their biggest franchise on a system that just died or on one that has just been birthed and hoping to flourish?
The_Deepblue's comments