I myself totally agree with the points put forward.
Post your thoughts.
that article has to be an old one. I don't agree with a lot of the article's points
1. so what if Sony was beaten to the Market? that doesn't mean it's going to loose the war. The console war has just begun and Sony hasn't even released its big guns yet, GT5 MGS4 FF13 LittleBigPlanet and other very popular titles. now with the price drop and these games on the horizon we shall see what happens
2. expensieve? yes, but it's selling better than the PS2 during its first year, and it's having the same sales as the 360 during its first year plus you could get it now for 399. That's an awesome deal for the system
3. blu-ray as we have been seeing is winning all over, so even with competition it's winning. Competition does not mean BR is going to loose.
4. this point is laughable, time changes and if you want to be in the next-gen era you're going to need an HDTV. Even if you want to play 360, you would need an HDTV to make the games look good. Everone is buying HDTV's these days to watch sports..etc, why the blame on PS3? the console is next gen, if you want to hook it up on a SDTV, go ahead, and talking about additional investments, the 360 has more hidden costs than the PS3 does. adding wireless to it alone would cost you an extran 100 dollars which is a feature important to many gamers like me, and not to mention the inability to play HD movies out of the box.
5. No "wow" fator?? is this guys crazy or what? the system has better sales than the PS2 during its first year. Every PS3 owner I know has the WOW factor. they love it!! who wouldn't love the great game graphics and BR movies???
6.not all exclusive have been lost. MGS4 and FF13 are still exclusive. Also GT5 is exclusive and will sell many PS3's. Plus Sony is making some good moves lately with RockStar and Epic to make more PS3 exlusives. I see the author's point, but that doesn't mean that the PS3 has lost all of its exclusives.
7. No innovation???? Now this author has shown his dumbness. OMG, the PS3 is the most innovative System out there having built in BR Player, six axis (I know the complains about it, but if you have not played heavenly Sword or warhawk, you wouldn't know. it actually added a whole level of fun to HS and I kinda fell in love with it.), also built-in wireless, support for upto 7 controllers (Madden fans anyone?), Memory slots, HDMI 1.3 (1.3 unlike the 1.2 on the 360 supports 7.1 surround sound and higher resolutions than 1080P! I also know the complains about this one. Yes, it's not needed right now, but Sony has a vision of the PS3 of lasting around 10 year. It's the only future proof system out. M$ on the other hand keep running their service packs on the 360 like they do with Windows and basically adding stuff to it as they go). PS3 is the best bang for the buck no doubt.
I'm sorry, but the author just fails.
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