Well, it would depend how "blind" they are. Some legally blind people can see reasonably well. Master_LiveThis.. Don't know if somebody that's totally blind having a gun is a very good idea lol
The_Lipscomb's forum posts
I'm also going to say.. That I do really like Sam Adams Boston Lager.. It's really good for a mainstream shelf beer.
Shoot them on the foot.[QUOTE="Master_Live"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] But I dont wanna kill them! Just run! Wasdie
No. It's always better to shoot to completely incapacitate them. This means center-of-mass shots. A single 9mm into the chest of somebody will stop them right there. Odds are they'll live too. If they get to the hospital within like 45 minutes, they have a 90% or greater chance of living. Don't ever just wound somebody that only gives room to escalate the situation more.
This is part of the reason I don't bother to carry. First I live in a really safe place and second your only real option is to shoot to kill. If there was a better alternative people wouldn't bother with guns in the first place.
This is why if you're going to use the gun.. Make sure your life is seriously on the line.. because you have to aim to kill when defending yourself.[QUOTE="The_Lipscomb"]
Dogfish head 90 minute.
120 minute is better.
Haven't tried it yet. Can't find it.[QUOTE="Wasdie"]But I dont wanna kill them! Just run! Also I heard knifes had to be open carry. You think a robber is gonna go for the guy whos got a knife on him? If they have a gun.. Then yes.Open carriers are asking for trouble in my opinion. If you're going to carry, it should be concealed. Element of surprise is far greater than the intimidation factor of a holstered weapon.
Pepper spray isn't a great personal defense weapon either. If you have the option and want personal protection, a concealed pistol is your best option.Â
I don't like sports period.. Use to play them a lot in middle school and high school.. and really grew away from sports afterwards.
No reason, people just want to feel better about themselves and to have an excuse to act like a snob.xdude85Most probably do it to feel better about themselves.
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