My friend you really need to have a heart to heart with yourselfMikey132I think that's what he's doing... This thread only appears to be the equivalent of "thinking out loud".
The_Versatile's forum posts
Don't forget about her, but neither should expect to stay on Aussie soil for long unless strict conditions are met (which are unlikely in this case), especially due to harsher regulations due to increased global terrorism.jazzkrotchHooray for terrorism. :(
People still skateboard? Wow, thought that little fad went out awhile ago.LittleHands134What kind of sig is that? :lol: And oh yes, gangsters are cowards. It's true, real men stand alone, and fight alone... without weapons... if they even fight at all. Real men talk things out, or just walk away to move on to greater interests.
Ever heard of immigration laws? You can't just up and move to any old country just because you feel like it, even if you ARE a rich Yank.
You need a visa: I'm not too up on Aussie regulations, but tourist visa's are only good for a few months, a student visa can be good for 1 to 2 years, a work visa usually requires sponsorship by a company, and you usually need at least a BA/BS if not an MA/MS. Marry someone and you have to prove it's does not count...get real, you ain't goin' nowhere.
Then she ain't goin' either... :roll: And if they both got all the paperwork done, they'd probably be even more dedicated to each other than before. Or they'll just stay home together. Either way, no reason for him to bail out on her. I can't believe people would even suggest such a thing... "just forget about her!" :lol: What? Why?HA, as I watch my current girlfriend sleeping on the couch. Had 3 after her. Today, I hope whatever that girl did made her happy and I hope she is doing well. When I think about her I think of all the good times we had. I'm not angry about it. That's just life. Did I say it hurt? No, I said I accepted it. And I'll except it if this one dosen't work out and will still wish her the best in life.
You have the wrong idea about me and how I'm trying to shine reality on this.
The TC is here posting because he himself is not sure about what he wants to do. He's looking for people to tell him it's alright to go around the world with her when I'm sure he already knows that will not happen. He's delaying his heart breaking and posting here for comfort.
Reality sets in.....lifes a.............!
The way you explained it, sure made it sound like it hurt you. And you know what? IT SHOULD HAVE. And I think it did. Perhaps you don't want to admit it. If it didn't hurt you, thenI guess you didn't love her... and in that case, why even be with her?
I see no evidence of him delaying a heartbreak... he, nor us, knows what the hell could possibly happen.
And that's why people get hurt. They go for it when they should be going away.Mikey132Awww hurt. Who cares. We all get hurt. If one thing doesn't hurt you, something else will. That's no reason to turn your back on a potentially beautiful life with a woman you love. Going away? That sounds like fear.
No women or man is worth leaving your life for when you have to follow their dreams or idea to move.Mikey132Unless being with her wherever she goes is part of HIS plan... Maybe they're both exploring, and figuring out what's best for them? Obviously, if he didn't want it to happen, he wouldn't have even made this thread! He'd say, fine goodbye. [QUOTE="Mikey132"] I dated a girl from 19-23 and lived with her for 1 and a hlaf years. Then one day she said she wanted to go to Japan to teach english. Here's what I thought about, My parents, 2 brothers, 2 best life long friends all live here. And a girl that's screwing off to do her own thing. I loved her to death. For months I wanted to follow her and go, but why? My life was here and she's leaving it. The TC should think about that, cause he could go out tomoorow and meet someone new. I've been there and can speak from experiance on this kind of thing. Ahh, now I see why you're taking a stand against this. You were hurt by a similar situation. What really hurts is that it must have made you feel like you weren't that important to her, if she would bail out on you like that. But again, your situation is not his. It doesn't always happen the way it happened to you. If it did, no one would be married! Couples wouldn't even exist! Sometimes... things actually DO work out. ;) One failed relationship does not mean all relationships fail. Some people are no longer compatible after reaching a certain depth. But you don't know until you get there. Nothing to stew about. Live and learn. Brush it off, shed your skin, and keep moving forward with a smile on your face.
In my experience, making life-changing choices on the fly has always been a bad move. I dunno, maybe I just don't know how to live.entropyechoRemember when our elementary school teachers used to tell us, in regards to tests with multiple-choice answers, that if you don't know the answer, to go with your gut feeling? And how your first choice (from your gut feeling) is usually the right one? When you second-guess yourself, that's when you start drowning in despair and feeling like you don't know what to do. To me, making plans for the future is the same way. Usually, a desicion you make on the fly is going to be what's best for you, because that decision is being guided by instinct, rather than doubt. And I'm sure you've heard the saying, "He who hesitates has lost." Food for thought. This is exactly why I recommended to the TC to just wait until she makes a decision before he loses his marbles over it. He's going to drive himself crazy over what could potentially be an insignificant event in his life. He'd be able to think through it a lot more clearly at that time, than if he's been stewing over it for weeks allowing so many possibly unrelated or unhealthy ideas to creep in and influence his decision.
Have you ever lived spontaneously? entropyechoRight now. As usual.
But when the trials and tribulations of everyday life hit you, they hit you hard. What will you tell yourself then?entropyechoWhat I always do. I get through it one way or another. No need to attach myself to an imaginary security blanket that I keep in reserve for a tough situation. Getting hit hard by adversity is pretty cool anyway. It teaches you about yourself. It's nothing to fear, nothing to run away from, nothing to develop a shield for. In fact, doing that would only serve to hurt you, as you'd miss out on numerous character building exercises. :)
Which is why I say what I said. If her goal is to go her own way, why should he follow her? Should he not create his own path in life?Mikey132Seems like that's what he's trying to do.
The TC said he loves her that much. Did the TC say she loves him that much back? Mikey132"Lisa- Hun, if I wanted to stay down there, would you come down with me? I love you and we belong together." - Seems like it.
NOW I WILL SPEAK THE TRUTH IN CAPITOL LETTERS SORRY TC, PREPARE TO FEEL YOUR FIRST BROKEN HEART, SORRY.Mikey132You can't say that's the truth! :lol: The exact details of this event have yet to be unveiled!
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