A life solely centered on the now is a sad existence. entropyechoActually, it's extremely satisfying! :o
The present is an ever-fleeting moment. entropyechoEver-fleeting? That word contradicts itself. If we are ALWAYS in the present (and we are), then it is never fleeting. It just is what is. It's all we know, it's all we have, it's all that's guaranteed.
I am not saying to deny enjoyment in the present, but you need to have some blueprint for the future. Sure, the future is unpredictable and a lot can happen, but it's better to have a general idea about your life and your goals, to prevent you from vacilating back and forth with every passing day, week, month and year, until the time comes when you stop and ask yourself - what am I doing here? what have I accomplished? where am I going? You lose your sense of self and there is nothing fun about that.entropyechoA general idea, I can grant you that. No problem there. But isn't that just what we'd call "dreaming" anyway? It's when people begin to fill that "general" idea with all sorts of exact stipulations and (what they think are necessary) characteristics that things get too heavy to handle, and ends up backfiring on them, causing much more problems than just not trying at all would have caused. Planning so specifically for the future and having such a detailed plan that you try to stick to so rigourously is impossile. Real life always gets in the way, and when it does, you get pissed that your plans have been foiled. When all you really need to do is let go, and roll with the ripples of life. :) (Such a new-age hippie, I know)
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