Note that references to "you" are not necessarily toward the reader; I'm just pissed beyond imagination.
"I'm not going to grieve because I have my own life to live."
"I'm not going to take time out of my day just because it's 9/11."
"It was bad, but it was a long time ago."
"Let's keep it in the past where it belongs."
How stupid can you possibly be?
How ****ing selfish, lazy, irresponsible, disrespectful, immature, shortsighted, thick-headed, vain and forgetful can one person possibly be?
Don't these idiots yet realise that the world doesn't revolve around them? Don't you ****ing understand that because something may not affect you doesn't make it "not a big deal?" "Oh, let people do what they they want as long as it doesn't affect me." Lazy, selfish bullcrap.
Three thousand people died on 9/11. "Oh, it happened a long time ago, why deal with it?" Because it's your stupid, careless attitude that led to 9/11 in the first place!
Do you honestly think, do you really truly believe in that thick bubble you think you live in, that because it happened eight years ago that we should just move on? Why don't we just set up a few signs saying "Come get us again--we don't give a ****!" Because that kind of attitude is EXACTLY what leads to further attacks like this.
Learning from history means not forgetting history; not forgetting history means not brushing it aside because "it happened a long time ago" or because "it doesn't affect you." It's nothing short of disrespectful to the maximum to act like people shouldn't worry about it anymore.
I'm so pissed off at the hyper-individualists running around society that really would not give a **** if the entire world were to explode as long as they got to keep the piece of land inside their bubble. "It doesn't affect me! It doesn't affect me!" This kind of attitude is for "too-cool-for-school" teenagers still obsessed over dystopian Ayn Rand and George Orwell and Alduous Huxley novels who think the world, the government and society in general exists to make them repellent to anything negative against them; to see full-grown adults in and out of college with some basic idea of how the world works spout this ignorance is too ****ing much to bear.
God, I'm so ****ing pissed. Grow the **** up and realise that 9/11 does matter, that it always will matter, and that 3,000 deaths is not something to trivialise, brush over or forget.
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