My day was so busy that I didn't even notice that the world is still here. I guess the paranoid half-naked homeless guys on the street with the "The world will end 9/9/9" signs were wrong. Now I have to go and buy back all my possessions from that psychic who told me to give away everything I own (to him, of course) or Satan would do stuff to me.
Theokhoth Blog
Finished Speaker for the Dead
by Theokhoth on Comments
It was awesome. Weird, but awesome. Not like most sci-fi that I've read. Recommended.
This semester, I am gonna KICK. MATH'S. ASS.
by Theokhoth on Comments
The semester has begun, and though I only got a D in my last math cIass (in my school, less than a C = fail, and in my mind, less than a B = fail), resulting in me having to retake the damn thing this semester, this time I got my **** together, I'm off to a rolling start, I have my homework done for the next two months (the online program for this cIass is like GOLD), and I'm overhyped on carbonated drinks. I am gonna ****ing get an A in a math subject for the first time since second grade or I will paint a square root sign on my balls. This is IT.
AUGHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! :x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x
Currently reading:
Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card
A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Robert Schindler (Terri Schiavo's father) dies at 71
by Theokhoth on Comments
No man should ever see his daughter ordered killed by the same government designed to protect our right to life. He was a leader and an icon against delusions of "progress," where people are unjustly viewed as lesser beings for being in certain mental conditions, and will be missed. I hope he is happy with Terri now.
Just Finished Harry Potter. (SPOILERS)
by Theokhoth on Comments
I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I really liked (most of) the series. The ending's pretty cool--until the questions come.
What Did Harry, Ron and Hermione do after leaving Hogwarts? Did Harry become an auror like he wanted?
Did they continue their education, or leave permanently without finishing their sixth and seventh years?
Who's teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts? Presumably the jinx that keeps a teacher in that position for only one year is lifted with Voldemort's death, so who do they have permanently doing it?
What happened to the Weasleys? We know Ron married Hermione and had kids, but what about the rest of them? Did George continue his business without Fred?
Who took care of Ted Lupin? Harry was his godfather, but did he take care of the kid from the age of seventeen?
What happened to the Malfoys? Draco grows up and has a kid (who's his wife?), but what happened to his death eater parents? And Goyle?
Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts? McGonnagall?
The questions never really cease. I know Rowling plans to publish an encyclopedia detailing everything, but still. :(
I liked the many, many religious references in Deathly Hallows. How people can say the book is anti-Christian after reading it is beyond me; Harry's death and resurrection (not to mention Voldemort tossing his body around like a rag doll) have many similarities to Jesus's.
The Chronicles of Narnia are Evil! EEEEVIIIIILLLL
by Theokhoth on Comments
So I was reading amazon reviews for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (the movie) on Amazon the other day, and there was this idiot in the comments of one of the positive reviews who said that the "zealous producer" cut out Dionysus from the movie, which was proof that the Church was eliminating culture for brainwashing or some ****.
First: Dionysis isn't in the books. Bacchus, an alias of Dionysis, is for a few pages and then gone.
Second: Bacchus is in Prince Caspian (the book), not The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Third: Bacchus is such a minor character that it really does not matter if he's in the movie or not.
Fourth: The movies' target audience (children) neither know nor care who Bacchus is.
Fifth: Who the hell worships Dionysus anymore? I hope these people enjoy praying to poison ivy (Dionysus's sacred plant, next to the fig and the grapevine).
Sixth: The Chronicles movies had four producers. Not one. One of them was Douglas Gresham himself (if you don't know who that is, GTFO :x).
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