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I am laughing my ass off right now.

My grandfather was a stalker.:lol:

He met my grandmother's sisters in the diner they worked in, and they teased with him, never giving him their address or phone number. So one night, he followed them home after they left work and met my grandmother.:lol:

I found this out recently because I have to interview somebody for school, and I chose my grandparents. I asked them how they met, and there it was. It was unprofessional, but I laughed like a doped-up hyena right in front of them.

In other news: The OT Revolution is about halfway finished. The excerpt has been sent to vidplayer, and I should have it done and on the forums sometime soon, especially since the semester's almost over and I won't have school to focus on.:D

And no, I'm not posting an excerpt. If you don't like it, then I have a contingency for you.:D

Man, I am in SO much trouble. . .

So me and my eleven friends got together and said "You know what would be totally awesome? Let's make up a story about a guy who can do awesome crap like swim through land and fly."

So we did, and we named our imaginary superman "Bob." We went around the city telling people about how awesome Bob was, and to our pleasant surprise, most of them bought it hook, line and sinker. So we told them these elaborate stories, such as how the President wanted Bob dead when he was born because he's a threat, and about how he'll single-handedly defeat the terrorists and solve world hunger, and get this, people began to FOLLOW us everywhere we went, despite the fact that these people had never seen a trace of Bob! Can you believe that many people are so stupid?

Well, everything was going great for a while; we traveled from city to city, and gathered a following of literally THOUSANDS of people who gave us tons and tons of money and gifts, which we eagerly gave away for no reason at all. We sat around trees and campfires telling the wonderful stories and adventures of Bob, and people listened very eagerly.

Well, one day one of my friends (the original eleven) went behind our backs and sold us out to the cops, who considered us to be some sort of cult. He got thirty bucks for his endeavour. He took the cops over to us and they arrested me and all my other friends and told the crowds that Bob didn't exist.

Now I'm in jail, and the cops say that if I just say I'm sorry, they'll drop all charges and let me and everyone else go. But nobody wants to do that, and they'll kill us if we don't. Four of my friends were taken away and haven't come back, and the friend that betrayed us hanged himself for no particular reason.

I don't want to tell them Bob isn't real, so what should I do? You think maybe they'll forget about it and let me go once they see my devotion to a thing they know I created? What should I do about all the people out there asking me for proof of Bob?

Lol, Irony

Found it on a certain atheist website that totally has nothing to do with the FFRF. A cookie to the man/woman who spots the tiny problem with this picture.


Now I know why I'm always compared to Dante. . .

I look exactly like him.

I will just be minding my business when somebody comes up to me and says I look just like Dante from the Devil May Cry franchise. But I've never actually played Devil May Cry, as I could never find the first game in any store.

Well, the other day I was in GameStop and they had a boxed set of the first three games, all new (the third being the special edition), for $30.  I figured that it was a steal, so I bought it and played the first for a while.

It's the hair. My hair is silver and in the same cut as Dante's. 

The game itself is fun, though there's not much storyline to it as far as I've gotten. I like it.

I've also seen the first episode of the anime, which was okay. My new avatar is Dante from the anime series.

The Atheon

My friends, I present to you, the *headdesk* of the century.

Click the links provided. Visit the crazy website. This is not a joke, or if it is, then they haven't come out with it yet.

From now on, when people say scientism doesn't exist, I will show them this. Scientism's first church has opened.