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Brave New World is ASS

*Not in the good way*

Seriously, WHY is this pretentious nonsense so popular? Page after page after page of droning description of how they clone people, of how awesome life is now that nobody thinks, of how everybody has sex with everybody and yaddayaddayadda thesaurus-word yaddayaddayadda. I mean, I get Huxley's basic theme (that mindless pleasures confused with happiness combined with moral apathy will destroy us), and I even agree with it; but GOD this book was agonizing. I didn't even finish it; that hardly ever happens!

Sorry, but the twenty bucks I spent on it was not worth it at all. I sold the thing yesterday with a bunch of other books I don't like (including that Amber crap) and got The Divine Comedy and Don Quixote, both of which are awesome.

Why the Arizona Immigration Law is Unconstitutional

Can Arizona prints its own money? No. Why not?

Because it is the right and duty of the federal government, not the state government, to print money.

Same reasoning with this law. It is the right of the federal government, not the state government, to pass laws regarding immigration.

So unless Arizona secretly seceded and became their own country, the immigration law will not survive a trip to the Supreme Court.

Hotel Aquarium

Imma kill Nerd_Man for taggin' me. :x

Here's the rules:

1. Put Your iTunes (or other music player) on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Tag at least 10 friends.
6. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because fun pointlessness spreads like a virus.

So, without further ado, let's get started...


1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say:

Fiery Nights (Ronan Hardiman)

2. How would you describe yourself?

Over my Head (The Fray)

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?

Over You (Daughtry) (:lol: )

4. How do you feel today?

I Could Not Ask for More (Edwin McCain)

5. What is your life's purpose?

Gotta be Somebody (Nickelback) (:lol: )

6. What is your motto?

Meant to Live (Switchfoot)

7. What do your friends think of you?

Land of Confusion (Genesis)

8. What do you think of your parents?

Ride With the Sun (Fairyland)

9. What do you think about very often?

Here Without You (Three Doors Down)

10. What is 2 + 2?

Falls Apart (Thousand Foot Krutch)

11. What do you think of your best friend?

Monster (Skillet) (:lol::lol: )

12. What do you think of the person you like?

No Way Out (Phil Collins)

13. What is your life story?

Farewell (Kamelot)

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Green Day)

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?

Flying Without Wings (Westlife) (:lol: )

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?

Lips of an Angel (Hinder) (:lol::lol::lol: )

17. What will they play at your funeral?

An Epic Age (Immediate) (:lol: )

18. What is your hobby/interest?

The Haunting (Somewhere in Time) (Kamelot)

19. What is your biggest fear?

An Epiphany (The Send) (:lol: )

20. What is your biggest secret?

You and Me (Lifehouse) (:lol: )

21. What do you think of your friends?

It Ends Tonight (All American Rejects)

22. What will you put as the title?

Hotel Aquarium (Falling Up)

Had a scary-ass dream last night

Last night I had a horrible nightmare. I was strapped to a table of some sort and people were looking at me, sewing my lips shut. Then this woman with bright red hair came in (no idea who she was) and all I wanted was for them to keep her out, don't let her near me, don't let her near me. They got rid of her and left me on the table overnight with my lips half-sewn shut. In the middle of the night, the red-haired girl came in with a needle and kept saying "I'll be gentle," and she sewed my lips shut all the way and moved to my eyelids. I broke the threads keeping my lips shut and it was the first time I ever heard myself scream in a dream, it was terrifying. Then the woman stuffed some kind of putty in my mouth that stuck to my teeth, screaming "I'LL BE GENTLE" over and over again, then she forced my mouth open and the putty ripped most of the teeth out of my head, shattering my jaw. I woke up about here and didn't get back to sleep for quite a while.

It was some crazy Hostel **** goin' down. :cry:

Do you ever realize. . .

What difference just thinking makes?

I'm not talking about random, scattered thoughts. I'm talking about organized thinking. Do you understand how everything changes when you break everything--everything, down to your most dearly held beliefs, politics, morals, philosophies--down to its most basic level?

What is the definition of your idea (not the dictionary definition)?

What is the goal? Why does it matter if you have this idea?

How can your goal be accomplished?

How can your idea be misused? How can it be refined to prevent misuse?

Has your goal ever been achieved? How? Did it last?

So many people take this basic questions for granted, thinking them to be easy things, and just skim over them in their minds, never really answering them, and then they go on to their beliefs and don't even know why they hold them. "I was raised that way;" "It makes me feel good;" "It's nobody's business what I do;" "Morality is subjective;" "It just makes sense;" "Anyone with logic knows," and on and on and on.

Do you realize how different things would be if everyone thought these things out? These are the questions the Founding Fathers asked when writing the Constitution; these are the ideas behind the Enlightenment. If all of society used these ideas to their potential then there would be nothing--NOTHING--we couldn't resolve. I am including the existence of God in that generalization. Abortion, gay marriage, separation of church and state, capitalism v. socialism, public nudity, conservatives v. liberals, all of it solved. Not immediately, maybe not in a hundred years, but eventually, all these issues people say are unsolvable and then dismiss would be solved.

This is the purpose of Congress. This is why the United States is a Constitutional Republic. This is why religions exist, why science is taught in schools, why philosophy exists.

And yet nobody does this. Or close enough to nobody as to make no difference. Many who do only go so far as to conclude "It's my business and nobody else's" (which isn't far at all) and then stop. It's like we're the smartest generation in history and the dumbest at the same time.

I just don't get it.

Inception rating: 8.5

Awesome movie.

Pros: Superb acting, mind-blowing scenes of action and suspense, and plenty of crazy mind-****ing that'll keep you interested and fascinated.

Cons: Breakneck pace (it does not rest at any point, and anyone who's read my writing knows I like to take it slow :P), not much character development, I didn't like the ending (though this is more of my opinion than anything else).

It's not the perfect flawless masterpiece everyone says it is, but it's not in any way shape or form a bad movie either, nor is it the least bit disappointing. Though I wish Michael Caine had a larger role; he's my favorite actor in the Batman movies. :P

Inception is now firmly established as a 'Good Movie' (TM)

Why? Because Armand White AND Rex Reed gave it negative reviews.

When I'm on rotten tomatoes, the only critics I listen to are those guys. If they say a film is good, you know it's bad; and if they say it's bad, why, it's one of the best movies of the year. And, unlike with all the star critics, their reviews are very trustworthy; I know I won't be disappointed with a film after reading their negative reviews for it.

It's official: Famous people can do whatever they want

Roman Polanski is now, officially, a free man.

What a bunch of BS. Any other person who did the exact same thing he did would be thrown in jail for years in a cell with Bubba Bump-a-Dump and every single one of the hair-brained morons defending him would cheer and thank God that another rapist was removed from the streets.

Half the goddamn world calls for the Pope's head on a platter for moving a priest that may or may not have raped a kid over thirty years ago, but if a director who made some cool movies rapes a girl, is found guilty for raping that girl, and flees the country the day of his sentencing, well, JUST GET OVER IT. One of the commentators said it best: It only goes to show that if you're a pervert, be a big Hollywood director and not a catholic priest.

This whole ordeal is a glaring testament to how ****ing stupid we as a society have gotten. We only care about famous people who entertain us, and we care about them to the point of worship; they DESERVE special treatment, because I saw her boobs on such-and-such movie and he made this awesome movie back in the eighties that has like a 90 on Rotten Tomatoes.

****ing idiots.

Made my decisions

Well, I think I've come to a decision for the two issues I posted about a while back.

First, I'm giving up celibacy.

Second, after visiting a church and corresponding via email with some friends and professors of mine, I've decided to join the Episcopal Church. There's one just fifteen minutes away, and the people there are extremely nice. Unfortunately, the Diocese in my area (which is pretty much a third of my state) doesn't bless gay marriages, so I'll have to find somewhere else for that if/when it ever comes to it.

So there we go. I had my very first communion today, and it was wonderful, though hot as can be; the church is 130 years old and has no air conditioning.