What difference just thinking makes?
I'm not talking about random, scattered thoughts. I'm talking about organized thinking. Do you understand how everything changes when you break everything--everything, down to your most dearly held beliefs, politics, morals, philosophies--down to its most basic level?
What is the definition of your idea (not the dictionary definition)?
What is the goal? Why does it matter if you have this idea?
How can your goal be accomplished?
How can your idea be misused? How can it be refined to prevent misuse?
Has your goal ever been achieved? How? Did it last?
So many people take this basic questions for granted, thinking them to be easy things, and just skim over them in their minds, never really answering them, and then they go on to their beliefs and don't even know why they hold them. "I was raised that way;" "It makes me feel good;" "It's nobody's business what I do;" "Morality is subjective;" "It just makes sense;" "Anyone with logic knows," and on and on and on.
Do you realize how different things would be if everyone thought these things out? These are the questions the Founding Fathers asked when writing the Constitution; these are the ideas behind the Enlightenment. If all of society used these ideas to their potential then there would be nothing--NOTHING--we couldn't resolve. I am including the existence of God in that generalization. Abortion, gay marriage, separation of church and state, capitalism v. socialism, public nudity, conservatives v. liberals, all of it solved. Not immediately, maybe not in a hundred years, but eventually, all these issues people say are unsolvable and then dismiss would be solved.
This is the purpose of Congress. This is why the United States is a Constitutional Republic. This is why religions exist, why science is taught in schools, why philosophy exists.
And yet nobody does this. Or close enough to nobody as to make no difference. Many who do only go so far as to conclude "It's my business and nobody else's" (which isn't far at all) and then stop. It's like we're the smartest generation in history and the dumbest at the same time.
I just don't get it.
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