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#1 Tighaman
Member since 2006 • 1038 Posts
[QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"][QUOTE="jessejay420"][QUOTE="PS4TrumpsXbox1"] Says the person that dont know the difference between a retail disk and a dgitial download, lol your so pathetic according to you : rational explanation = wall of butthurt lol here ill do what you were doing to me . YOur butthurt pathetic troll lol bhahahahahah better make an alt acc butthurt fanboy bhbhabbhabhah bhabhahbhabh your so pathetic its funny, man

"bu bu forget that i owned myself and answer a question please!! :cry: " backpedaling idiot :lol:

Backpedaling huh lol. Seems like what you are doing since you refused to answer a question and just troll without any debate or reasoning to provide but boo hoo wall of text. lol stop eating paint chips

Its funny that we just had a thread on score of launch titles and they had drive club at 7 and 8 lol
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#2 Tighaman
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Both games look good, and obviously your judgement is going to be swayed by the console you're going to be picking up. Having said that, the latest Driveclub video from their Chile track looks worlds better than anything i've seen out of Forza 5. It's very, very impressive stuff. A bunch of people I work with saw it yesterday and couldn't believe it either.

After seeing the game looking like that, I actually don't mind it isn't running at 60.... specfically because it looks as good as it does. A game like Forza, which is aimed towards simulation racing, has gameplay that requires that level of smoothness far more than Driveclub, and that is perfectly okay. 

Locked framerate and resolution can be an indicator of a console's strength, but it is relative to what else the game is rendering. Driveclub is rendering MUCH more on screen at any given one time, with no dips in performance. If you're a Forza fanboy or an Xbone fan, more power to ya. I think you'll be having a ton of fun with that game. 



Um... were you linking that to support Driveclub looking better or were you saying that Forza is the better graphical candidate? I really wouldn't post that link in the future, Direct Capture footage is paramount in making a comparison. I felt bad for Turn10, as the Forza 5 I would've seen in front of the game is not indicative of what you are representing in your link.

Having said that, Forza 5 looks good, and that higher framerate feels nice, I never said that these things weren't true. But Driveclub has far better effects, lighting, racetrack details,  and the detailing on the cars (particularly the interior and the lighting from interior lights during nighttime) just make it a far more impressive visual game.

One more thing... it's kinda disorienting seeing such a highly detailed car juxtaposed to such a dull and quite frankly ugly looking scenery for racetrack details. The buildings and such on other gameplay videos i've seen for Forza 5 also suffer from having flat textures with no world details. This is probably an 'uncanny valley' effect of the cars looking so good, but the world looking so ugly, but it just kinda kills the immersion for me. 

dude jaggies all over that car what is you seeing MR.Developer lol you just looking at the sun going down in a game and that's wowing you but THERES ONLY ONE REAL CAR ON THE TRACK IN DRIVE CLUB THAT DOESNT KILL IMMERSION? there's no way you are a serious dev with the comments you be making sometimes ITS A RACING GAME!
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#3 Tighaman
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Both games look good, and obviously your judgement is going to be swayed by the console you're going to be picking up. Having said that, the latest Driveclub video from their Chile track looks worlds better than anything i've seen out of Forza 5. It's very, very impressive stuff. A bunch of people I work with saw it yesterday and couldn't believe it either.

After seeing the game looking like that, I actually don't mind it isn't running at 60.... specfically because it looks as good as it does. A game like Forza, which is aimed towards simulation racing, has gameplay that requires that level of smoothness far more than Driveclub, and that is perfectly okay. 

Locked framerate and resolution can be an indicator of a console's strength, but it is relative to what else the game is rendering. Driveclub is rendering MUCH more on screen at any given one time, with no dips in performance. If you're a Forza fanboy or an Xbone fan, more power to ya. I think you'll be having a ton of fun with that game. 

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#4 Tighaman
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[QUOTE="percech"][QUOTE="Sonysexual1"]Be honest, Xboners. Forza 5 could be run on the PS3 and the 360 with a slight graphical downgrade. It's not really a technically impressive game.Sonysexual1

The fact that the actual cars have far more detail on Forza 5 than on DC just makes it even more pathetic that they can't hit 60 fps on supposed superior hardware.

Yes, because only character polygon count is what shows processing prowess. :lol:

Why do you Xboners feel the need to downplay the graphical superiority of the PS4? Are you that insecure? it's like you guys are trying to find a reason to convince yourself that the PS4 isn't stronger than the Xbox ONE.

you dipshit it does show prowness more polys in a game and framerate shows how powerful your game is and forza showing both to be superior on the x1. You a hater but after you get owned you will just change your account to another stupid name lol
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#5 Tighaman
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[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"]forza 5 doesnt look better, and forza 5 has absolutely less then half the shit running and going on as Drive Club, there is no doubt about it Driveclub looks better and is noticeably more advanced -better particle system -global illumination -real time vechicle deformation -true day/night cycle -trees, bushes, everything brustles and bristles when you blow by it -more alive environment lemmings cannot deny this... but they will continue to be butthurt though.. legalize82

Actually Forza 5 has waaay more advanced Physics (tire physics, aerodynamics, weight distribution, etc.), More cars on screen, 3 layers of textures on cars, better looking graphics at 1080P 60fps. So your argument just got thrown out the window.

educate yourself

You sony fans kil me ....ive seen way better videos of forza 5 so them gifs mean nothing and you are still comparing that racer to forza really? Jaggies everywhere on them car models lol no car I have ever turned around a curve turned like that lol 30fps lol AND I SWEAR IF YOU CAN GIVE ME A DC GIF THAT HAS MORE THAN ONE CAR ON THE SCREEN I WOULD BE DELIGHTED, but you not you just gonna ramble on another subject lol
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#6 Tighaman
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Not aiming this at the PS4, but in a way I think i'd rather have a balance shift edging towards cpu rather than gpu.

If you have a decent gpu and lower performance cpu you end up with something like the original Xbox or the Wii U. I don't just want games to look great, but I want them to have those awesome physics and smart ai, because that's where gameplay comes from and that's why I game.



And there is where the PS4 8 Aces,64 commands,volatile bit and compute customization kick in.


The PS4 can use compute to run physics and several other task done by CPU,in fact Physics on the GPU will run better than on the CPU while helping the CPU to have an esier time,and have more resources abailable.

Also on PS4 you can get the physics inside the frame in time.


Is  not been done now because launch games hardly ever go deep into hardware.

oooooooo you not talking about some of that 14+4 that suggestion by cerny himself that takes some of that mighty 1.8tfs away nooooooo you cant be talking about that lmao you kill me torm
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#7 Tighaman
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[QUOTE="Tighaman"] I swear torm I be so disappointed in you sometimes and sometimes I laugh visualizing the look on your face when you see that beast X1 have something AGAIN that the best gaming pcs not doing at this moment Ryse 150,000 poly characters, global illumination, grass swaying in the wind up to 100m, caustics alone would tell you it have to be a beast this is all in one game they are doing this in ryse that crysis 3 not doing!!! Are you reading because I want you to to understand that you dont pay ANOTHER company R&D for stuff thats already out there lol you pay for the latest and greatest and when you understand that join me on x1gamertag: kinfolks I'll be your friend.tormentos


Let me explain this to you again.


Ryse coult have 150,000 poly characters they work like Crysis 3 ones,from close to see detail from far the detail is way lower.

Second 150,000 poly characters mean sh** when there is no apparent body damage when you slash some one with a damn blade,worse on close corners with crappy textures,fog every where.

GI is done on Killzone SF,while been a more open game and having way more characters on screen,with an incredible displays of smoke,fire,spark effect and incredible annimation,in other words Killzone SF is just not pretty is impressive for a console game,dude grass swaying in the win has been done on sould blade on PS1,is a damn scrip dude.

In fact multiplaying wise is a joke it look crappy unimpressive,and full of bugs,while Killzone multiplayer looks fantastic and is 1080p 60 FPS,and to think Infamous look even better than Killzone SF.

Having 150,000 polygon characters mean sh** when the rest of the games is meh.

Dude you pay damnn R&D for anything you do,WTF is wrong with you,what do you think that you get a 7790 and just trow it inside the xbox with some ESRAM and 8GB of memory and hope it works?

That is call R&D it doesn't matter if th GPU is out on the market,that GPU is not a slot GPU that you will fix into a PCIe port inside the xbox,the xbox one doesn't have a PC board form MSI slap with a GPU and CPU and move one,MS spended billions,not only on R&D for those components that already are made,but also paying good for Kinect as well,just because sony is not saying that they spended 3 billions doesn't mean they didn't do R&D.

R&D is done on all products even when they have off the shelf part,hell no 7790 has DDR3,with ESRAM,DME with audio block on the same damn APU,oh wait MS dones't have APU that big,the xbox one and the PS4 are the biggest and strongers by far.

boy you love to talking out your ass I really dont know why we having this discussion you gonna say whatever you wanna but of course everyone pays for r&d lol I never says that but you wrong because THE RESEARCH is for new tech they can research that 7790 or whatever on their own I really cant be talking to a grown man lol I cant be! Killzone is struggling if you can play a multiplayer game that dips from 60 to 20 be my guess because I cant. EVERY GAME HAS A LOD COUNT EXCEPT RYSE STARTS AT 150,000 AND END AT 40,000 AND KILLZONE STARTS AT 40,000 AND END AT 10,000 Lmao you stupid torm!! That grass is real time swaying this is cyrtek! And that GI IM TALKING ABOUT ONE GAME YOU MENTIONED TWO which makes no sense comparing what snk was doing compare to what cyrtek doing. You have no idea what you talking about YOU DONT GIVE REAL AAA DEVS RETAIL X1s and tell them to develop games on it with weak specs? Come on I know you smart than that you keep throwing around 1.31tfs but using 100% of that gpu just for graphics is what's gonna change this game.
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#8 Tighaman
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No it's not. You are just looking at things through cow glasses. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried...



Really so the size of the xbox one and weight will affect its performance.?

How aboput wind resistance,or more torke,shorter or longer gears,come on comparing cars to console in power is silly,because on cars there are a set of variables that count toward the performance of the car.

In this case the xbox one is a Hunday Accent and the PS4 is a Hunday Velloster Turbo,no matter if you use 100 optane gasoline and racing wheels the Velloster still is faster.

I swear torm I be so disappointed in you sometimes and sometimes I laugh visualizing the look on your face when you see that beast X1 have something AGAIN that the best gaming pcs not doing at this moment Ryse 150,000 poly characters, global illumination, grass swaying in the wind up to 100m, caustics alone would tell you it have to be a beast this is all in one game they are doing this in ryse that crysis 3 not doing!!! Are you reading because I want you to to understand that you dont pay ANOTHER company R&D for stuff thats already out there lol you pay for the latest and greatest and when you understand that join me on x1gamertag: kinfolks I'll be your friend.
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#9 Tighaman
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[QUOTE="btk2k2"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]im going to say it again for torm and the rest of you fanboys its a reason that the greatest minds in gaming business never thought to put gddr5 as system ram its not efficient for the cpu especially if the cpu is weak. 7850 doesnt use all 32 rops please read why on your own All them ACEs dont mean anything 7950 has only two ACEs and blow the gpu in the ps4 away. And back to battlefield 4 its been two demos for that game ps4 specs and x1 sfepecs all the multiplatform game I remember used to run the same demos for the same game but not this time not this gen why? Theres plenty of NEW AMD GPUs if you looked at just specs have less 12 cu and 16 rops and will blow that 7850 out the water with MS you always look ahead and never in the past.

You are a dipshit. 1) GDDR5 and DDR3 have practically the same memory latency from ACT to ACT when measured in nano seconds. (around 40ns) ACT to ACT means ready state to ready state so it is the whole cycle of firing up the transistors, doing your operation and then going back to ready again. This data comes from Hynix who manufacture memory modules, this is going to apply to all the memory module manufacturer. 2) Sure, the low bandwidth of the 7850 vs the 7970 means that they are not fully utilised. The PS4 (and 7850) is still capable of producing higher fillrate numbers than the X1 which is going to give it an advantage. 3) The ACE units increase overall utilisation of each CU. The extended queue is to make it easier for developers to get bits of compute code into the CUs where the rendering is not using all of the available SPs. It will make it more efficient allowing it to get closer to its theoretical peak. and finally, show me an AMD GCN card with 12CUs and 16 ROPs that beats the 7850. Show me with a link to a review website that shows this to be true.

you just seen numbers and start talking I know what I see, read, hear and experience. This the last time I will have any discussion on power but all will be seen soon no matter who comes on these forums its gonna be naysayers.
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#10 Tighaman
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[QUOTE="Tighaman"]stop saying they are the same architecture they are not both have apus but it ends there sony buys products from AMD MS is a partner R&D stands for research and developement why would you spend 3 billion on RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT on tech thats already being used I know you all are smarter than that hopefully we dont need r&d for.that. tormentos


The AMD Jaguar based APU that is in the PlayStation 4 is the most powerful such processor to date, according to AMD. John Taylor, head of marketing for the chipmaker said that the proprietary blend between Sony and AMD resulted in the the most powerful APU we have built to date.




Keep the hopes alive dude the PS4 APU is by far the strongest APU AMD has make to date,so yeah that kill your whole argument.

Just like they spended 100 million to ruin the xbox one controller,that 3 billion probably cover manufacturing of those chips for quite some time.

that statement was way back in before the x1 was introduced lol and x1 wasnt just AMD design intel ibm nvidia and amd made x1 and before you say this is bullshit look at what each of them companys are doing with chip sizes, embedded ram, and move engines and tell me im bullshitting. AND AGAIN you just looking at tflops and making your conclusions but LIKE I SAID BEFORE AMD HAS GPUs COMING OUT IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS WITH GPUs with 16rops and 12 cu and 2 aces that destroy the ps4 just look at AMD next line of gpus and tell me besides the tflops that they are not.inline with the x1 compared to the ps4 and give me details.