Anyone know?
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I remember at the beginning of NWN, all the beasts in the Menagerie escape somehow. I never finished the game, so I was wondering if you eventually fight all those Menagerie beasts or not? Anyone know?
Obviously this poll does not reflect what the general video gaming public thinks. If the general video gaming public were polled, probably Oblivion would be first, followed somewhat closely by Fallout 3, and in distant third would be Mass Effect.
Show Trine and Crysis to any non-gamer who doesn't care about tech specs, and ask them which game looks better visually. Probably 9 out of 10 of them would say Trine looks at least 200% better than Crysis.
[QUOTE="F1_2004"]Any person can see that this is not a joke thread, nor a we 'trolling'. Accusing somebody of being a troll has got to be the most tired and over-used red-herring argument on the entire internet. Any time a person advances an idea that isn't agreed upon by the majority then that person is branded a troll? Really? The majority is always right? I can name hundreds of examples in which that has not been the case. Here's one now: Believe it or not, but the 'majority' once believed that... are you ready for it... the world was flat, and that if you sailed a boat over the edge of the horizon then the boat would sail right over the edge. Guess what? They were wrong. Just because the majority says that it is so, doesn't mean that it is so. And by the way, this is a forum. You advance your ideas. And we advance ours. See.OK that pretty much confirms that this is a joke thread :lol:
Charles_Dickens, good to see that you have a mind of your own and you are not just a follower. You seem to understand that graphics are a lot more than just supposed "polygon counts" or whatever. A game needs to look good in all departments to be considered visually appealing. Good artistry, textures, NPCs, etc all are needed to make a game visually appealing, and Crysis is very mediocre in some of those aspects.
It surprised me that even many game review websites jumped on the Crysis graphics bandwagon. They should know better than that. Again, it takes more than polygon counts to make a game visually appealing. Heck, Bioshock looks WAY more visually appealing than Crysis, yet it's graphics are not nearly as touted as Crysis. And the Trine demo literally makes Crysis look like a older outdated game when it comes to visuals.
Most people will disagree with you, I disagree as well, you won't win any fans with a topic like this, personally even though its your opinion, I can't see anyone outside of a troll or a fanboy looking for attention saying the game sucks visually, there still isn't a single card that run it max out to date.[QUOTE="wizdom"][QUOTE="Timberwolf5578"]
I never found Crysis graphics to be very impressive (and please don't post screenshots, we already know what the game looks like). The NPCs looked terrible, and even certain things, like boulders for instance, looked very mediocre. I agree that the trees looked good, but other than that, I thought the game's graphics were nothing special.
But where did the O.P. actually say that that the graphics in Crysis 'suck'.
He didn't say that.
I ran into the same problem with people at this forum when I posted pretty much the same comment last month. I hadn't played Crysis - chiefly because my previous computer couldn't run it. So as soon as I bought my Core i7 from Alienware in March, one of the first games I wanted to try out was Crysis. It wasn't that the game looked really bad (like I said, the water was just amazing) but as soon as I launched it I saw that something was wrong.
I don't care what anybody says: Crysis does not look modern to me. I would've guessed that the technology was about 2 and a half years old - which, factually, it is. And this time, people have nothing to argue about. That's just a plain and simple fact.
Do the graphics in Crysis suck? No they don't. And the O.P. isn't saying that - it's just that if you're a bit late to the show, then you're expecting something that's going to blow you away, and for me, and for the O.P., that didn't happen. The graphics in Crysis were not The Second Coming.
The O.P., however, is dead right about the NPCs. Those are some of the worst NPCs I've seen in a long time. And like the O.P. said, don't post screenshots - I have the game right here on my desk and have played it myself so I know what the NPCs look like in action, and I would not write home to anybody about them. The NPCs are generic, with low-res textures - not to mention that they animate like garbage. At one point, while I was cloaked, about 15 NPCs started swarming around me, all bumping into one another while crouched down low - it was laughable. So bad. SO bad.
The graphics in Crysis, as of June 2009, are over-rated and dated. They're not bad - that's not what we're saying - we're just saying that they're over-rated. And dated. But the fact remains that there are some people here who won't EVER let go of the idea that Crysis is anything but 'The PC Gaming Poster Boy Of Good Looks'. You could return to this forum 5 years from now and those people will still be advancing that idea.
Ever heard of something called a Retroanaut? These are the same people who will honk on about Planescape Torment being the greatest RPG of all time, and even advance the idea that it's better than anything that's presently on the market. They'll argue that Planescape is, for example, a better RPG than Fallout 3 - oh no it isn't. Games are about immersion and about storytelling, and what I'm not going to do is sit there in front of my computer looking at graphics that are ten years old, and playing a game that doesn't even have voice acting in it. Planescape Torment... blah, blah, blah. The world has moved on. Get over it. You know, move out of your parents' basement.
God I wish that people would stop clinging to games of the past like that. It's boring. That said, I'm down for some Secret Of Monkey Island lovin'. That game is going to be frickin' awesome.
Good post.
Some people will just never let go of certain games. There are people out there who still think the original Zork games are the best RPGs ever. As far as Planescape Torment goes, yes it has an excellent story, but it's not exactly the most exciting game to play, but still yes it's a very good game. I can name plenty of games that I think have better graphics than Crysis. Here are some:
Titan Quest
Heavenly Sword
Maybe Crysis on super high settings pushes a lot of polygons or whatever, but still artistically the game is very mediocre and that really hinders the look of the game. The textures are mediocre also. And the NPCs just look terrible.
Come on people, get over it, Crysis is old now (by video game standards), the graphics are nothing great anymore. Trine has better graphics, artwork, and physics. Anyone can see that.
Trine is probably the best platformer I have ever played!! The graphics, artwork, and physics are incredible!! IMO, the graphics and artwork look far better than Crysis, though maybe not as technically advanced, but who cares, it still looks far better than Crysis, and the physics are more impressive than Crysis too.
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