Just go for the GTX470 i did the Asus Voltage Tweak Edition easy and fast overclocks for the performance of a GTX480 with a saving of £140 im loving it.
Timbury's forum posts
San Andreas runs perfect, GTA3 & VC seem to have some problems, like I have the same problem in VC as you.[QUOTE="Timbury"]
Yeah i really don't understand what the problem is makes the game frustrating to play on my last PC with Windows XP i didn't have this issue.
Ha i always loved the way those fishmen (Sorry forgot there name) Spoke!
Got this game originally on the Xbox hated it just couldn't get into it at all, later i got it on the PC wow i was blown away one of the best game experiences.
Not sure about your problem sorry but im also having trouble with Vice City the game runs fine but when im in a vehicle and i try to reverse it moves really slowly backwards.
Only Vice City is affected by this as San Andreas andGTA 3 both don't suffer from this issue.
the EASY-BAKE Oven is a much quitter and cooler video card than the Geforce 480 uses less power too :P
ah, lets just call the Geforce 400's the EASY-BAKE Oven 400's :lol:
ymymym good cup cakes son, nowgo play some FPS's i want a big cake for diner. ymmym
I have read that the 480 is a very hot beast and that fact along with the resolution i play at swayed me away from it and i got the 470 instead. The 470 doesn't run that hot atleast not for me anyway max it went under load was about 69C which isn't great but not awful either. So try not to label the all 400 cards stupidly hot.
People will tell you to stay away from this "life sucking game" or something along those lines trying to be funny. While they are entitiled to there opinion i got 4 good years of gaming off of this game before the 2nd expansion ruined it for me. I would recommend it to anyone just don't be silly with the amount of time you play it, it can be addicting.I am thinking about it is it worth it?? I LOVE DRAGON AGE so will I like this?
I was using the same card when i was playing GTA 4 same settings as you basically except view distance at 31. The Dev's released a list of the settings that are equivalent to what the consoles run at.im not ready to.. i will probably buy a Fermi though. My gtx 260 has 896 Mb and my view distance is at about 25
View Distance for consoles is (15) anything over 20ish and you shouldnt be able to really tell ie should be no popup on buildings, Traffic / Pedestrians will popup no matter what.
so you're saying more games is a bad thing?[QUOTE="ohthemanatee"][QUOTE="GordonRamsay23"]
Huh? The PS3 library isn't supplemented by multiplats. The most popular selling titles so far in 2010 have all been exclusives. (With the exception of FFXIII)
Failed have you my young Padawan, thus far, if you aren't getting it. (Star Wars humor)
Good morning, good afternoon & good night. (Liar, Liar) Need to leave now, I have to.
Wasn't that the Truman Show?
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