"The 128GB model might be too tight on hard drive space for the average user, but even at $2,000 for the 256GB variant, you’re paying a fair price for a current and capable gaming laptop, and a good looking one, at that."
.... What. You think a 200$ price increase for 128GB is worth it? Are you sane or even value your own money?
My PC cost me half the price of the Razer, has twice the performance and 15x the HDD space + a 120GB SSD.
You're goddamn mental if you think this price is reasonable, this bullshit is what creates the stigmas for PC gaming.
This so-called "research" probably doesn't talk about the fact that demos get people interested in the game alot more to see what it's like first-hand, and the reason alot of games with demos sell bad is because the games are bad and the demos are proof of concept.
In such a case, well, sucks for the dev but demos are meant to benefit me mostly, not them. If a game developer is so adamant on not releasing a demo he's probably trying to hide how bad his game is unless there is good reason for that (like it being open-world).
@TheGovenor @thequickshooter But he wasn't using the anonymity of the Internet. the dumbnut was using goddamn Facebook, your personal online spyware in web form.
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