@Tripwolf @northArrow Have fun overreacting and commenting on things you don't know.
All the cash shop gives you, are stupid outfits and buffs, and OH-- check this out:
The cash shop currency, is actually achievable ingame, it's not even that hard. They just give a real-money option for people who want to take a shorter route. They get money, the player gets what he wants, and rarely, if ever, is PvP effected by this, since everyone is nerfed in PvP to be on equal ground.
But oh, you keep paying every month for a game that does nothing different from it's competitors but rip you off. In the end, you are wasting more money on a game you barely play that much, than you ever will in GW2's cash shop.
@hadlee73 Seeing as it's the main Ranger/Theif weapon, it's a fantasy game, and that every Elder Scrolls to date had them, yes, it will have bows, probably.
Signed up a month ago. Did anynoe recieve their mail yet?
I'd say, this could work if they make this a one-time purchase, with no extra fees and with as little involvement in gameplay from Microtransactions as possible.
@Master_cheat001 @jhcho2 No, it's not what you want.
But it was worth every thriling second of it.
And if that's what you think of Dark Souls, maybe you should remove that avatar of yours, I don't think you even know who the guy you use in your avatar is.
TohouAsura's comments