@HSV002 You clearly know nothing of computers, and nothing of Gaming.
Gaming started on PC, and for as long as the the last decadee, it was the leader. When 6th gen started, PC saw a massive decrease in development and popularity, BECAUSE of consoles.
So no, if consoles wouldn't exist, everyone would be gaming on their PC.
As for "harder to hack", only comes to show what you know. A console IS a PC. A custom made one with dedicated hardware and software. It's harder to hack in the sense that it is customized, but almost never impossible. No console in history has ever been hacking resistant, it simply doesn't work that way.
@Orbrital "the team in Arkane Studios that developed Dishonored are huge fans of the Thief series and are excited for Thief 4."
No shit, sherlock. Anyone who played the Thief series and saw Dishonored called it copy-paste. It really was a dumbed down Thief with Bioshock elements.
"Dishonored made stealth a revived genre again after a long time."
Dishonored did what? Did something happen and MGS die? Splinter Cell? Hitman?
Surely, stealth has seen a massive increase in popularity recently, but it has nothing to do with Dishonored.
Dishonored is a good game, but let's not pretend it stood on it's own legs, because it really didn't.
TohouAsura's comments