@javalino @Arcturuss Why not? It's a great way to assess a game, and that besides, if you were never going to buy it, what's the difference?
The damage is never a financial one, but a moral one.
I think it's BECAUSE of the danger of piracy devs are challenged to make better games, knowing players do have the choice of choosing whether they deem the game worthy of their money or not.
@ishsgames @w00tboy I don't know of the Tales franchise much, but Crystal Dynamic IS owned by Square Enix, and while they have been unusually lenient in their say over the final products, they STILL have the final say.
Bungie sold out to Activision, they have little respect from me, anyways. Obsidian is a great studio that makes flawed yet classic gems, but they are often treated like shit by publishers. Can't forgive Bethesda for the crap they pulled.
Valve and CDProjekt are currently the leading AAA game developers who work independently.
@downloadthefile "(which goes to show you that all the Robin Hood-type anti-DRM nonsense these guys spout off is BS, they just wanna steal)."
Which only comes to show your own ignorance.
Let me explain to you this:
Game with no DRM -- gets pirated.
Game with terrible DRM -- gets pirated.
Game with draconic DRM - STILL gets pirated.
There is no difference, crack groups still crack the games. The only ones who suffer from this are the players. Or should I remind you of SIMCITY and AC2?
Only Kojima is able to find the balance between rage inducing misleading and overly-informative trailers.
It reminds me of his MGS2 trailers. He showed trailers of Snake, yet he NEVER claimed him to be the main protagonist, people just assumed and got mad when it didn't happen. Kinda trollish, but what can ya do.
@Dragon_Nexus @hadlee73 Which is why AC1 excelled above it's sequels. Because it remembers the core. Ubisoft seems to be obssessed with adding pointless new minigames instead of focusing on the game's pillars, because let's be honest here-- Almost nothing changed from AC2 in that regard.
@cursealoud @Strider8009 Making it better how? Adding Micromanagement that is either a hit or a miss? Making the game even easier, a story so much more simpler and lighthearted, and adding game mechanics which have nothing to do with what the games are about?
Granted, Naval combat was fun, but be honest-- Did you feel like an Assassin? Most people didn't. A Vanguard, yes, but Assassin? PFFT.
Great news. This guy is made AC stand out among the rest, the mystery and allure of the first game was lost as the saga continued, I hope he returns to the AC franchise and returns this now-summer-blockbuster franchise back to it's roots.
That, or he can work on a new and more unique game.
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