@CharlieSpot NO. Rather, it's people being offended by the fact that people who are easily offended get their way by calling out stupid stuff and actually getting all this undeserved attention.
I don't like Elephant brains. Can I get a patch that removes them from the game and forces itself everyone regardless of what they have to say in the matter?
@santinegrete I wouldn't say i'm interested in a difficulty Spike as in, suddently it's hard as ****-- kinda thing.
I just like the game modes to actually represent what they are named after. Easy be Easy, Normal be Normal, with a good challenge here and there, Hard being a series of neverending challenges and danger, and Titan being a brutal gorefest made out of you.
Normal is the default game mode, and as such, I expect it to best represent the game's difficulty and learning curve. If Normal is easy, I consider the game easy. If normal is hard, I consider the game hard.
And yes, God Of War 3 was far too easy than I first expected.
@The_Last_Ride @TohouAsura Never heard of that guy. Looks like a good-for-nothing idiot. Does he think he looks cool with that Wolverine shave?
It's amazing how most of his complaints come from the fact he sucks at the game. Hearing how "apparently" hard this is kinda resparked my interest in the game. I'm heavily considering whether to get this or Uncharted 3 now.
@IrrationalBeast Ah. but you see, while i'm not a GameStop buyer myself, you have to recognize the cheap acts of GameStop's marketing!
Especially when you see a sweet pre-order bonus when watching a game trailer, only to be completely obliterated by a "Bonus only available through GameStop!"
TohouAsura's comments