@Ducez_III See, I never understood that part-- Why do you even have to hide breasts from 6 years old. He suckled on those for a good couple of months ,didn't he?
Why are people so ashamed of the human body? For such an intelligent species, we sure act dumb.
AMD makes cheap knock offs. They always have. Nvidia plays it smart, waits for AMD to release the cheaper version of THEIR GPU, then releases an even more powerful one.
IF you want a PC with a cheap bang-for-buck GPU, you go with AMD. If you want a pricey, yet dependable and strong GPU, you take Nvidia. This never changes.
@CraigNinten Spoken like a true moron. PS3 had the stronger GPU. fact.
It's the ridiculous memory limitation and hard-as-shit Cell technology processor that PS3 had that made Xbox games look better in third party versions.
@eva02langley Uhm... Why do you think that just because Ubisoft (Not EA) is doing an overkill that means CDProjekt can't make something as good, if not better?
The difference is not in talent, but in budget and time. Witcher 2 was developed by a team half of that which developes Witcher 3 right now, and it was one of the better RPGs to come out in recent years.
Witcher 3 is being developed for a long time and will only be released in 2014, probably.
AC4 is developed ever since AC3 went gold and is dated fo a 2013 release. That's a VERY short time for a game of it's scope. Ubisoft makes up for it with manpower.
Two different methods, doesn't imply at the games' quality necessarily.
@sonyfreak456 @Azure_Nova @RainIsMyDrug @maddog123 Aveline was a forced character shaped to be the ultimate underdog. Ended up being more annoying that it was impressive.
If you want to have a female assassin, you should also choose your eras more carefully. Early America was certainly NOT that.
@TazmanianD @rebelguy0 You really don't know anything, do you? Ubisoft has studios all across the world. The studio who works on the main AC games (The ones with numbers) is Ubisoft Montreal, their HQ.
ACB and ACR were developed by different studios. I can't rememember which but I think it was Ubisoft Paris. Not sure. They also developed the multiplayer segment for AC3.
Montreal has mainly worked on AC3 since the release of AC2. They took care of Single player, ACB/R team took care of Multi-Player.
@96augment @vaillant085 Fun for someone who never played Thief.
A graphically superior yet gameplay wise inferior game to those who did. It's a good game, but lets not deny the fact it's a dumbed down version of a superior game.
@thetahar You do realize all that you mentioned, save for the gods part, hate it too, is general Science fiction stuff?
This expansion is borderline fantasy. And just to help you see why it's stupid, Desmond is of modern age. In the modern age, it's not THAT unbelievable to think he can relieve the memories of his ancestors through technology. It requries quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, but within rationality.
Now explain to me how a game that is boasting at it's historical accuracy has the player play a Native american in early 18th century America that can morph into an eagle and use OctoCamo in the style of Crysis/MGS4 ?
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