@mervynssucks Oh yes, how dare MGS "Nerds" criticize GS staff for inspecting the trailer without proper background, probably misleading even more people into believing the stigma that MGS is a convoluted mess!.
" Players who finished Mass Effect 3 with Shepard:
82% Male Shepard , 18% Female Shepard"
And take into account, that a good number of the female Shepard are males who tried out a different approach.
Also take into account, BioWare has been VERY open about their support for women in video games and have many women in their communities.
But oh, you keep manipulating statistics, Carolyn. Because everything is so one-sided to you, isn't it?
There was never a problem with women in video games, because most women apparently don't bother with actual video games. It's simply a matter of market approach. And don't bother to complain about how it's because of bad representation there aren't more women in games. It's because they choose not to.
God, it's amazing when somehow, we straight white males become tyrants for simply being more involved.
Also, you don't shape story and gameplay to a character, you shape a character to the story.
To demand a woman in the lead role just because you want a woman in the lead role, THAT'S sexist.
@Senor_Kami @StinkySkunkGirl But you're missing the point. EA claims this is where the market and industry should go.
People disagree, and with good reason. 90% of Freemium games tend to be crappy and end up being prolonged demos unless you pay 2 win.
I don't want to see the gaming industry turn into that, it's a shitty model that spawned hell on earth in the MMO scene, we don't need it at core gaming.
EA, for 2 decades you published core AAA games. The market you are talknig about is the MMO and mobile market. That was never your market. You just decided to be greedy and try to play monopoly.
How about your new games also include TONS of Motion effects and cinematic graphics without gameplay!
It's what movie ethusiasts want! THE MARKET HAS SPOKEN!
TohouAsura's comments