@awptical And I guess super Telekinesis guy, a shaman machinegunner, a woman that can survive without food for weeksm and a clone of a supersoldier make more sense?
@PSBEATSALLDEAL @TohouAsura @UberGamer44 A voice actor is hardly a trivial detail, especially in Metal Gear, a game franchise that pukes out full pages of dialogues every 5 minutes or so.
I'm relying on Hayter coming back as young Snake, but it still makes no sense to change Big Boss's voice this early, Ground Zeroes is right after Peace Walker. TPP is only 9 years later. That would make Big Boss at worse, 50 years old. Voices don't change that fast.
I would've prrefered Richard Doyle to come in at the MG1&2 remakes. It would make more sense then since Operation Intrude N312 only happened in 1995, over 10 years after Phantom Pain, Big Boss' would've naturally shifted by then.
@PSBEATSALLDEAL @UberGamer44 @TohouAsura You are just as bad as Whining fanboys, you are the kissup that eats whatever shit people feed you and call it art. Kojima is not a god (yet), he's a person and he can make decisions that would piss people off without meaning it so.
MGS is his creation, yet I chose to invest myself in his series and waste my time and money on his imagination. I'm allowed to criticize his work as much as he's allowed to publish it.
@UberGamer44 @TohouAsura @PSBEATSALLDEAL It's spelled HayTer. With a T.
To be honest, I think if Kojima did change a voice actor he would take someone who's NOT like Hayter, since he wants it to be a new type of Metal Gear.
Personally, the only way I see myself getting over this is if the guy is donig a really good Big Boss that can match up to the charisma and unique voice Hayter gives, or if it's Richard Doyle seeing as he already proved himself in MGS4.
@PSBEATSALLDEAL @UberGamer44 I respect it, but under no condition am I to accept it. Especially when he gives such a bullshit explanation while at the same time being a hypocrite because he kept the *** vocie actor.
So what the hell are you doing here, inspecting a game trailer whose predecessor you know so little about?
Such an unprofessional behaviour, didn't expect this from GameSpot staff.
MG2 did NOT happen before PW. What the hell were you guys thinking?! You don't even know which game comes before which?! The MGS Wiki has a timeline for christ's sake, you didn't even bother to check??
2:25 "There goes the Big Shell"
I do hope that was a joke. Please say it's a joke.
TohouAsura's comments