I am NOT ranting about the HR Manager and her article, i'm ranting about all the previous ones, and the fact this article once again resurfaces a subject that discusses a problem that does not exist.
Let's just stop talking about this godforsaken subject and keep on with our lives, and focus on real problems.
@cinerius While you make a good point, Kojima usually goes with his original ideas and they almost always work. When he doesn't, like he did with the ending of MGS4 and the Nanomachines, he usually shows feelings of regret, as noted in multiple interviews.
About the communicating- He can get communicative and friendly all he wants, but at the end of the day, he's still the project leader, and design choices that quite literally shape up the game, should be left to the guy hired to do so, in this case, him, and not subordinates who should have no say in the matter.
Also, the fact Raiden starred more makes no difference, since no one out of MGS fans knows about either character, making them at equal grounds, and within the community, Gray Fox is a much more respected fan favourite character.
In fact, most people have been waiting for a Gray Fox game since the VR Missions in MGS1.
Just imagine all the bad publicity Rising could've avoided by not going with Raiden.
@Scarab83 @TohouAsura OH wow, and you say i'm the moron? Pfft.
So what if she's anti-sexism? I wasn't talking about her, am I supposed to feel gratitude? Do you really think I give a shit what anyone there thinks?
I am just sick of seeing all these headlines about Sexism and less about games. How about we all stop talking about problems that DO NOT exist, and start to talk about more relevant subjects in the world of gaming like new announcements, reviews, tournaments, business practices, hardware...
You know, things that actually have things to do with GAMING???
@Scarab83 @TohouAsura And I don't think you read what I said. I said what i'm saying is UNRELATED to the words of the Human Resource Manager at EA, i'm just sick of seeing all these headlines about Sexism.
@Scarab83 @TohouAsura IF what I was flipping up about had nothing to do with what I was flipping out about, then wouldn't I be flipping over nothing at all.
Maybe you didn't realize the topic of my rant. It wasn't against the head of resource management, but for the fact we have been getting crazy amounts of talk over sexism the past few months.
TohouAsura's comments