Here's an idea CAPCOM, stop making a mockery of your most successful franchises, stop treating Mega Man like your retarded cousin for whom you stole a makeshift present and gave it to him because you forgot his birthday, despite him being the reason of your resounding success.
@ExplicitMike @roganth Gaza has inner conflicts between two opposing terror forces, The Hamas and the Jihad, in a city under siege.
The situation is definately farworse there than in the US. I think part of the problem in the US is that they foster the idea of "He's not ill ! He's just... Special".
No, he's not. It doesn't even matter what he is, he is a potential threat and must be kept under surveliance.
Hah. SO the asian Senator calls the NRA out on it's hypocracy, eh?
To be honest, his law offering a year ago DOES make sense. The games are rated M for a reason. They can still get it from the torrents if they want, but I think we will all benefit from having as little children on our online servers as possible.
I would sooner choose Big Rigs than all of these games... Except Mark Of The Ninja, Zero Escape and HALO 4, for I did not play them yet. And XCOM, because it's actually pretty good.
@General_Joe117 @koospetoors @face_ripper For someone who thinks ahead, surely you already thought of the fact that he's a MOVING target, and that he will undoubtly try to ram you, and since the developers like to taunt you, nowhere in sight you will have a higher ground to take cover in.
Hmmm.... I'll admit, i'm not that impressed with the design. The monsters in Demons and Dark Souls were crazy creepy as f**k and all original, had one of the best monster designs I have ever seen. Brilliant games all around.
This.... Kinda looks like more Deadspace necromorphs. The chariot guy looks cool though.
But I wonder how they are going to beat Dark Souls. I mean, many of you probably don't know this, but remember the frogs that cursed you? Creepy little f**kers, right?
Well, here's a creepier fact: The big orange slimy balls they have above their heads? Yeah, that's not their eyes, more like their tits. Their real eyes are below that, and it makes them ALOT scarier.
TohouAsura's comments