@Kravyn81 @HiroArka This is because we have a fucked up generation.
Child, adult, it makes no difference anymore. The young adults we have today are nothing but overgrown children who never learned to think for themselves or face real hardships. And it keeps getting worse.
Of course the government takes action, because the parents clearly can't. They are overgrown children. This is why they go with the program, they are not the generation like the one that fought for it's rights before, they are drones who take everything for granted.
I am sad at what modern western society has become, and am dissapointed beyond measure.
But what can I possibly say, or do? I'm just one man, in a very sick world.
@mariokart64fan " give him the chair and there is one thing i see very few of"
Uhmm... You do know he killed himself, right?
Also, your comment saddens me.
I don't like the prospect of him living off of taxpayer's money either, but do you want to go there, truly? To smite death on those you feel like they "deserve" it?
Fucking prick. 26 people dead and what do you do? Waste millions of taxpayer money on useless s**t research that benefits no one and hurts everyone.
You sick, demented fool. You just keep opressing people, you keep mocking us and waste our money, lock us inside a system that always hurts us, not you.
THIS, is how people like Adam Lanza came to be. He got f**ked by his surroundings, and went psychotic.
Soon, it's gonna happen to a whole lot more people. And then, even then, you will STILL look for a scapegoat!
I hope you know what you have done, "Senator". One day, you WILL pay for your acts.
This is sad. By what right do they do this? A moral high ground? You politicians have no rights to do this!
Sex offenders? Give me a fucking break. How is urinating publicly even a "sex" offense?! We men have been doing it for millenias!
Next you're gonna tell me i'm gonna have to cut my balls off and wear a hat of shame, otherwise i'm prone to getting arrested for "corrupting" our youth.
This, alongside the "violent videogames research", is so, so sad.
A tragedy has struck Conneticut, and what do politicians do? Abuse it to opress us even more.
F**k America. No really, **** you guys. Wake up, your system is broken. Your president is a fraud.
@WolfGrey I have to say, I like alot of what you are explaining. The Souls games are fantastic, but they are a technical mess sometimes. The physics engine was f**king ridicuolus at times.
NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE, liked the Archers bridge in Anor Londo. NO ONE. It was the worst part in the game, no tactic at all, just run for your life and pray to whatever god you have that they miss and don't throw you off the plank.
I STILL think having an extensive tutorial is a bad idea. You are supposed to have no idea what to do. Mystery is a key part of DSouls' essence.
Story, is arguable. I won't deny, Demons Souls did a better job of explaining the story than Dark Souls. But the wiki didn't appear out of nowhere, people DID figure out what was going on by extensively researching the lore. That's the fun of it.
@vinniebarx @WolfGrey What is there to understand? Either you join engulfing the world in darkness, to begin a new age of Dark and end the Age of Fire forever, or to sacrifice yourself for that small bit of hope, a little more time given to an already forsaken realm.
It's quite philosophical really, when you think about it. Given enough thought into it, the Dark Souls story is a really well crafted one.
@Gravelord_Nito @Falru But the souls did have humour if you know where to look. "You defeated", hitting players who pirated the game with Black Phantoms, the book of assholes, and GRORIOUS PUURRAISE DUU SUUUUUN!!!
Also The Princess. The only time Binoculars were ever useful.
@LuciusJose @MajahretDiviera Did you even play a Souls game?
Other than the multiplayer issues with your idea, you're compromising the immersive experience, telling us there's an easier solution right around the corner.
Getting thrown into the game and it's chaos from the get-go is what gives you that sense of danger and thrill, not knowing what to do, how, or what. Extensive tutorials or an easy mode will take that all away.
You NEED to get frustrated in the Souls games to appreciate it's beauty. The time you'll waste trying to figure things out and explore stuff to make sure you don't miss anything is the time where you will find yourself having the most fun, figuring something out, getting a cool item, finding a piece of hidden lore.
THOSE are the moments that define Dark Souls, the moment where you say "I get it now!" or "Now I know what to do!"
Difficulty was a defining aspect of the game, but not it's only one. To take away the fear of death is to take away what made the game a thrill to begin with.
TohouAsura's comments