@master_zidane @Thanatos2k @jhcho2 But that's wrong. Many FPSs do NOT take ques from Modern Warfare and have stayed relatively the same.
And even then, FPS isn't a very broad genre in terms of gameplay and don't differ much. RPGs are.
Elder Scrolls did not invent Open-world in RPGs, Ultima did it way before, and up to Morrowind, no one really liked the Elder Scrolls. It was a fairly generic and buggy franchise even then, it's Morrowind that took the game to new levels.
Also the combat system of Witcher is inspired by action games like Assassin's Creed, it isn't even in the least bit similiar to Skyrim in any way.
The only redeeming feature of the Elder Scrolls as opposed to other games is the freedom you get, being able to kill almost anything, but even that became limited since Oblivion.
@PotHeel Exactly. Skyrim and DA:O are different in so many ways, that they almost completely contrast each other. They also compliment each other by doing so, pointing out what's missing from the other one and what makes them unique.
Skyrim focused on simple action and tedious quests and storyline, but those were merely tools to explore a giant gameworld nearly limitless in it's scope and accessibility.
Origins had a very restricted and linear design, you were given specific parts and had to follow them. This was the price to pay however, for a damn good narrative and storyline, joyful quests and a strategy-required combat system that reminds you of the old days.
@whackyq @everyday182 @electro57 Everyone knows what hapepned to the Champion. He did teh Shivering Isles, fought Sheogorath, Sheo screwed him over and the Sheogorath you meet in Skyrim is actually the Champion.
Also some say Cicero was the adoring fan, but that's highly unlikely.
@thedragon2803 Because it's the leading engine and DICE's best yet, and EA lieks to throw around the idea they work with the best tech around so people will think EA's game are all high quality.
It's just an advertising tactics. BF3 looked great, but damn did Lens flare and Overbloom get tedious.
BioWare's Aaryn Flynn says it would be impossible to develop an RPG today without acknowledging and reacting to Bethesda's game."
Only you can, because games are a creative and technical effort, and you don't need to make a Skyrim copy. Nobody else does, and you would be devaluing your own workers by doing so.
RPG is a very broad genre, Skyrim is not even that much of an RPG, it's really an RPG-lite with tons of dungeons and fetch quests. It has no strategy to it, it's really just an action open world game with RPG elements.
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