You've been saying this since MGS2. In the end, you ALWAYS come back to Metal Gear.
And sorry Kojima, but Metal Gear was your hit game. You will ALWAYS be remembered for Metal Gear, and I highly doubt you can outmatch your own creation in terms of popularity and quality.
You have created a monster franchise. Don't be surprised when it starts smashing all your other dreams.
But hey, ZoE3 is on the way, right? Let's see how good you still are outside Espionage.
@RageSet @Dudeinator I don't see how those 4 million downloads are relevant. At all.
What makes you think those are 4 million buyers? What makes you think a pirate would even buy the game? Only a small percentage of them, most of them live in regions or an age group where it's simply too costly for them, there was very little money lost.
@Marky360 @billlabowski @Master_cheat001 Uhm... No. Your console only gets banned if you go online with it. Modern hacks require no soldiering, firmware updates are enough to remove the traces.
You can't play online or access any of the services the game offers you on a cracked version. Pirated games on consoles and ones on PC are in the same state.
@Skat0rzZzz @tightwad34 RDR was a mess to make, porting it to PC was simply not a possibility from both a financial and technical side. Has nothing to do with Rockstar's mentality, all GTA games got to PC.
@capper64 @has3210 That's a lie and everyone who knows a thing or two knows it. Mybe you shouldn't believe everything Executive #1567 tells you.
To this date, there STILL isn't a proper crack to Football Manager 13 and NBA2K2013. Many other games have serious issues with their cracks. A game is never released by the scene before it's launch, it's an iron rule so as not to hurt the sales too much.
XboX and PS3 games are all released before they come out, and you can't stop it, especially on an Xbox with JTAG, Microsoft can't do s**t.
So, you see, it's actually EASIER on consoles than it is on PC, for a long time now. Stop spreading your lies.
TohouAsura's comments