@macca366 If it derails the release date, development for PC, or adds ANY kind of consolitis effect to the PC version as a result, I'd rather they won't.
Screw your consoles, CDProjekt is one of the last remaining studios who cares for oldschool RPGs, take your mass erectus RPG-lites and shove it.
If, however, they make the PC game, and then later port it to consoles like they did with Witcher 2, why not.
@no_fear_in_hell No, that won't happen. By tradition, cRPGs let you choose gender, and this is based on a pen-and-paper game, which is basically "here are the basic rules, now go crazy".
The Witcher had only Geralt because it is based on a Novel of that same name, in which the lead role is the Witcher Geralt. Cyberpunk is not.
Besides, I'd rather not play a female unless it's dedicated to a proper narrative that suits, like Tomb Raider. The more choice, the better.
Damage control. It wasn't intended to be "free". Experience with CAPCOM taught me this.
But, guys, let's try to go over the whole, on-disk DLC issue...
You are all right, something that is already on the disc SHOULD be playable from the get go, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, CAPCOM was really just saving space?
I know it's naive talking, but they have a fair point.
Don't want to pay for on-disc DLC without downloading anything? Fine. Instead they'll just NOT put it on the disc and sell it later, tricking you into believing it was only developed later, as if that really matters, and then have you download stuff to play it.
Now, how does that solve ANYTHING? This issue is complex.
TohouAsura's comments