Wait, did Bridgestone use the actual Kevin Butler character, or just the actor?
If they used the character, SONY has the full right to file a complaint, their character, their rules.
If they only used the actor playing as a different character, and in his contract with SONY he did not oblidge to refuse doing any commercials for SONY's competitors, then SONY has no case and is in the wrong.
" Hines added that neither the vampire-themed Dawnguard expansion nor the home-building Hearthfire content is stable enough to release on PS3. "
Really? That's funny, because that excuse didn't seem to matter when you released Skyrim as is, and the game really did 'work'- "For most folks, it'd be fine. For some, it wouldn't be."
Skyrim was broken to begine with, and now you pretend to care about Q&A? Jesus f*ck. True enough, if you didn't get Skyrim for PC you were kinda asking for it, but it's not the user's fault, as Bethesda admitted themselves, their product, their fault.
This is hardly SONY's fault. True, the Cell Processor requires alot of skill and manpower, but if every other video game studio manages, so should Bethesda. This is shameful.
@GunBladeHero Dragon's Dogma is a flawed gem, and I love it for that. It does so much new stuff.
It failed on more than one account, and failed hard, but it's shining moments shone so bright I loved it still. I can't even explain it, but the genuinely good parts were so good It outshined the bad ones.
I've dissed other games for lesser faults then that of Dogma's, yet the game has something magical about it.
@immortality20 @kvan33 When you play enough games, you can predict the whole game from a single gameplay trailer.
I have seen quite a bit of videos of Remember Me, and so far, I am at large not impressed. I'm usually not wrong either.
So this is one title I do not care about. Now, When the first Dragon's Dogma trailers came out, I saw a new innovative RPG trying to take elements from the best games out there and combine them into something new, and when it came out, I was again correct, and the game did everything I expected and then, and now there's an expansion and sequel in the works.
@garcia_jx @stan_boyd @Damascuss It has. Alot. And I was talking about his look on incest and basically everything different that breaks the natural norm. Gays are the ideal example.
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