@stan_boyd @Jake518 @PumpkinBoogie @Apastron No they don't. Tekken doesn't, Street Fighter doesn't, MvC doesn't, MK only has a one-time bar use counter.
@stan_boyd @Damascuss That's not just the fault of media, that's the fault of bad parenting and not teaching your child to take better care of themselves.
Easy to blame everyone lese, hard to take responsibility for yourself.
@stan_boyd @Damascuss Not really. You keep hiding behind that "normal" excuse. You'd be the first to crucify anyone who's different. I bet you'd crucify gays and lesbians too had it not become the trend, right?
Call of Duty doesn't have girls, neither does Minecraft ( without mods) and neither does NHL ( Then again it's been a long ime since I played a Hockey game, but since when was gender identity the selling point of a sports game?). There is no presence there, what point are you even trying to make?
And it really shows what you know and that you clearly never played DoA. All you can do is judge and feel superior because of it. You know nothing of the combat system's complexity since you only like to judge it on it's side attractions.
But I guess you prefer games where non-sexualized females slay many males, right? That oughta boost your ego.
@Jake518 @PumpkinBoogie @Apastron Maybe it was easy to assume i'm talking about every female alive by saying "you gals", gotta admit I walked right into that one.
But you thinking everyone who wants bigger boobs in a game is a sad lifeless man is still generalization, albeit on a much smaller scale, and that besides, what gives you the right to judge anyone for preferences?
@stan_boyd @Jake518 @PumpkinBoogie @Apastron Clearly you have nothing to say or contribute, so you fill your head with lies and insult about someone's social ladder.
This is what it's all about for you, is it? Not actual subjects in video games, not serious issues with equality and whatnot, just the social ladder.
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