Software is reliant on hardware. You know that complicated Algorithms to create dynamic events within a physics engine and complex responses from an AI requires alot of memory, right?
Me: Yeah it looks impressive, I'm really interested in it, when does it come ou--
Ubi: NEVER! Not for PC anyway. This baby is gonna stay on console master race! We don't need you filthy pirates killing our sales!
Me: But I--
Ubi: SILENCE! Out of my sight now, you peasant scum!.
*Ubisoft after I Am Alive came out*
Ubi: H-Hey, you..
Me: What?
Ubi: Well, ya see, the game didn't sell so well on consoles, so we hope maybe you would buy it? W-Well you said it's impressive, didn't you? You want it don't you? PC master race all the way, y-yeah??
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