@elquietone NO they won't, because PC is an open platform. You don't HAVE to use Steam, it's just convenient. Some games do not force Steam, and those that do... Welp, Pirate Bay it is.
In the end there isn't any real surveilliance orther than Steam has on your library, and for a DRM, Steam is incredibly non-invasive, and it's benefits far outweigh it's disadvantage.
I mean, how stupid can they get? If people wanted PC, they'd buy PC. In the end, everyone has those, a PC is a multi-capable tool with near billions of applications and mutitasking capabilities and it's a free platform without any surveilliance (Buy a game today, pirate tomorrow, no one can possibly tell).
and what do the console manufacturers offer? A system with all the negative values of PCs ( used game block, high prices) , and none of the advantages.
@elquietone You don't need used games on Steam when half the games there are sold at better prices than GameStop will ever offer, and you don't even have to worry about disk damage.
No really, think about the redundancy of your post. Also think about the fact PC is an open platform.
WELP, I guess that PSN Pass is actually becoming 3rd party then.
They had the advantage, and now they will shoot themselves in the head. Brilliant move, SONY. Again. -_-.
Come fellas, join PC Gaming like all sane people have. I mean, consoles already lost whatever advantage they seemed to have, so there's no reason to stick with these anymore.
TohouAsura's comments