[QUOTE="BossPerson"]take that up with germany. why is your beef with us? what did arabs ever do to you guys before 1947? but israel is our holy land and home for 4000 years americans arent in their land for 200 years so talk with them If you weren't born there, it's not your homeland.[QUOTE="yomanjdf"] arabs got 22 nations jaws got 1yomanjdf
Tokugawa77's forum posts
arabs got 22 nations jaws got 1take that up with germany. why is your beef with us? what did arabs ever do to you guys before 1947? Imo Jews should have been given part of Germany as their homeland. Half of the west's current problems solved right there.[QUOTE="yomanjdf"][QUOTE="Sagem28"]
The Palestinians have 22 nations ? Why was I not informed of this ?
DO they number them ? Like Palestine #1 #2 etc etc ?
The very besthe may of killed off 11% of humanity, but he did his damndest to repopulate it all himself :)
ha-ha-ha, genocide and rape jokes
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