[QUOTE="Tokugawa77"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Ah but see their really is no difference in not tolerating and idea or the individual. It's still an intolerance to an individual bases on some criteria. Which means that while one may rail against intolerance that others do....yet display it them-self. How is that different? In both cases there is a lack of tolerance. And it's ironic to find someone calling out others for intolerance while displaying it themselves....no?
You are assuming that one judges a person by what beliefs they hold. And while yes, this may be true on a subconsious level, it is certainly not the basis of my argument. I call them out because of their intolerance, not because of the person that they are (if that makes sense). If I were to accept what you are saying, then I am intolerant because they are, not for any other reason. I show intoleracne to them because they do the same to anotehr group of people. (this is of course assuming that I agree that I am intolerant of the person themselves and not just of their opinion).
I'm not assuming anything. You called into question the opinion of others as wrong etc. To paraphrase. Which I said was ironic due to the way your worded your post as to display intolerance to said opinion.Yes I am intolerant of their opinion. They, on the other hand, are intolerant of people themselves. They are intolerant because of something thatsaid people cannot control and that is an inherent part of their way of life, while I am intolerant of this opinion, and opinions are changeable andare not aspects of a person; they are intangible and independent.You cannot deny that these are way different "forms of intolerance". Anyway, this debate is getting nowhere.
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