This guy is crazy, but contreception should not be coverved by healthcare.
Tokugawa77's forum posts
[QUOTE="Tokugawa77"]meh..boycotts to me always seem like fake outrage and just wanting to be noticed....what was the last boycott that ever made you change your mind on anything?...Well, is it not their right to boycott? They're not really forcing their views. And yes, quite an awsome show.
I boycott just because I don't want my money to go to opressing people. I don't force my stance one anyone, I just dont go to Chick Fil A.
[QUOTE="lowkey254"] Ok so let's reverse it. Aren't the GLBT community forcing their views on people who disagree with them?ShadowMoses900
Big difference. Anti-gay people are saying "I don't agree with you, so you can't marry" LGBT is saying "I don't agree with you, but let me marry" see the difference? one is imposing their will upon the other while the other just wants to have will in the first place.
It doesn't bother me if gays did get married, however they do kind of force their view onto you. According to them (and some media outlets) if you don't fully support or embrace the gay lifestyle then your a bigot, well sorry but that is rediculous.
Simply because I disagree with 2 men having anal sex and choosing to be feminen does not make me a bigot, if that's what they want to do so be it. But don't tell me that I personally have to support or embrace that, I think that's wrong.
I do support equal rights for gays, but that doesn't mean I support the life style it'self. But I don't preach to people or anything, if they are gay then that's their business, it doesn't bother me. And no I don't think they are going to hell either, I think God loves them and has a place for them too. He will deal with them, I have no right to judge.
As far as I'm concerned, wanting equal rights does not equate to forcing their views on others. I don't care if a person hates gays or just are disgusted by their lifestyle, but the moment that those opinions manifest themselves as legislation, that is the moment where it becomes unacceptable. there are bigots on each side, though. "I am way more intelligent than people who don't support homosexuality" is a far too common mindset, I fear.
[QUOTE="Tokugawa77"][QUOTE="lowkey254"] Ok so let's reverse it. Aren't the GLBT community forcing their views on people who disagree with them?lowkey254
Big difference. Anti-gay people are saying "I don't agree with you, so you can't marry" LGBT is saying "I don't agree with you, but let me marry" see the difference? one is imposing their will upon the other while the other just wants to have will in the first place.
The GLBT are saying, "We don't agree with your disagreement with us so we will boycott you until you apologize." Don't make it seem like they are playing innocent here. By the way I dig the sig. Breaking Bad is an awesome show.Well, is it not their right to boycott? They're not really forcing their views. And yes, quite an awsome show.
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]Bigotry support never tasted so delicious!............and yes chick-fil-a has the right to believe what they want and these people have the right to support them and I have the right to call it as I see it....EasyStreetChurch's >>>>>> Chick-fil-a.
Really? walking into either one feels the same. :D
[QUOTE="theone86"][QUOTE="lowkey254"] I guess I'm a bigot as well. I don't hate gay people, but I don't agree with the lifestyle. Just because I don't agree with it doesn't mean anything other than that. This is an inquisition against people who disagree with the glbt. lowkey254
If you think you have the right to impose your own views on homosexuals, then yes, I consider you a bigot. Like I said, get gay marriage legalized and then talk about how you don't agree with it and I won't call you a bigot, but don't act like because you don't agree with it you have the right to force your views on others.
Ok so let's reverse it. Aren't the GLBT community forcing their views on people who disagree with them?Big difference. Anti-gay people are saying "I don't agree with you, so you can't marry" LGBT is saying "I don't agree with you, but let me marry" see the difference? one is imposing their will upon the other while the other just wants to have will in the first place.
[QUOTE="kingkong0124"] This is true. I also think there's a trend towards religion being on a more personal level rather than through congregations.
lol lame damage control, peopel are going off religion because its rubbish, and how about you keep it on a personal level then if its the in thing?
Uh something showing dwindling attendance is not showing dwindling beliefs. It's what he presented. Period.I agree here, actually.
[QUOTE="l4dak47"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] You've met every religious person there is to form that opinion?LJS9502_basicNope. Again, I don't care. Not to mention that the religious people do the same. No they don't all. Not everyone is the same. For instance.....if I used the atheists I've encountered in OT as a measure of all atheists...I'd consider all atheists to be deplorable, ignorant, intolerant bigots. But I know that's not true of all of them. Just a subset. And as such I form my opinion as to who the ignorant, intolerant bigots are due to the personality. Not a group.
I've got a question that's been nagging me for some time now. You bash OT a lot but yet you've accumulated over 100,000 posts? how's that happen?
[QUOTE="Krelian-co"]Religion IN TOTAL and not Christianity has been important in 7% of wars. And IF you wish to consider yourself enlightened and tolerant then that means EVERYONE....not just those you choose. Otherwise you're just as much a bigot as those you point fingers at and a hypocrite besides.WHY YES, YES IT IS
being gay is acceptable, afaik they didn't choose to be born that way and they aren't harming anyone with their lifestyle
being christian has brought many wars, intolerance and people telling others what they can and can't do
if i have to choose between which of the two is more acceptable to me, is an easy choise
Oh haha I remember having this argument. Good times.
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