@Stevo_the_gamer @Krelian-co @TommyT456 I wouldn't go as far as Krelian-co but I can see where he is coming from, Carolyn calls it one of the best adventures of last gen but twice now it has got an average good game score of 8. Is that to say that adventure games are the least deserving games around because if TLOU is the best adventure game and it only get's 8 that would imply it's not a very good genre, because most other genres have loads of games that score 9 or 10.
@Stevo_the_gamer @TommyT456 I always do! Although you're right that this time I wrote my comment half way through watching the review (the text is just what the reviewer read in the vid isn't it? I've never compared the 2 closely.) All I'm saying is a lot of people do do what you are suggesting I had done and they just look at the number, so if a lot of people who never had a PS3 but bought a PS4 just look at the review score they may end up missing out.
@repetitiousv2 It's not a tps, if you're playing TLOU as a tps you're playing it all wrong and most likely on much too low a difficulty. And you can compare 2 games scores from 2 different genres, TLOU is an unmitigated masterpiece, Titanfall is fun but lacking in content and only another online shooter at the end of the day.
It's a shame Carolyn because here you had the chance to rectify Tom McShea's ridiculous 8 out of 10 review from the original release but didn't take it. I can see why you may have gone with 8/10 because it's still the same game with no major enhancements BUT you have to remember that there are loads of people out there that have moved from 360 to PS4 and thus would never have played this masterpiece so in my opinion it should have been reviewed as if it were a new title because it will be to a lot of people. And let's face it, if The Last Of Us hadn't existed on PS3 and was being released now on PS4 for the first time it would still be the best game this new gen has to offer so far and fully deserving of a 10/10. Sure a lot of us have played it to death so wouldn't see it that way, it will always be a PS3 game to us, but it was sooooo gd as a last gen title that it can stand up against the very best this new gen has to offer and for a lot of the gamers new to PlayStation it will surely be one of if not the best game they've ever played.
If you're disappointed that the PS4 isn't planning on supporting your Logitech or Fanatec steering wheel and would like to see this travesty rectified before this game releases then check out that petition we have on the go and pass it on to others http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/sony-add-logitech-and-fanatec-wheel-support-to-ps4 Vote this comment up to keep it visible to others
Guys we need Sony to get their act together and clinch support for our Logitech wheels before this game releases. Sign this petition so we can show them how many people are desperate for Logitech wheel support on the PS4
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