I'm up and it's only 6:45 am, what's wrong with this picture? Well, I had a medical emergancy of sorts. Last night (about ten minutes before NCIS started) I suddenly get shooting pains in the right side of my stomach, and they won't stop and they hurt like hell.
Twenty minutes after NCIS finished I was on the way to hospital, no not in an ambulance because that would have been cool, but rather my mum and sister took me. (More like mum, and Bethany was dragged along for the ride - she was not pleased - she was watching NCIS season 1) So we get to Flinders (which is our nearest hosiptal, well maybe second nearest, after all Noarlunga Hospital has the worst ER in the world) and we get told it's a 3 hour wait. Which it wasn't. It was only an hour and half. Pretty good, but it was pouring and stormy outside.
So, I get given a cubicle, and after answering some simple questions I get given a robe (not to mention I'd already been asked all this questions before at the admitting nurse), my blood pressure is taken and so is my heart rate. Then the nurse goes off and a doctor comes along. He then asks me the exact same questions that I've already been asked twice before. Can't these people read charts?! He then takes blood. Ouch. I hate blood tests and this guy couldn't find a vein for 20 minutes. He goes off to get my blood checked out and another nurse comes in and hooks me up to a saline drip. Which I thought was cool. Okay, so up until this point the doctor has been thinking appendicitis, but my blood confirmed that I didn't have it. Did I mention saline drips are cool? It made me feel all warm and tingly. I just liked watching the saline drip.
Mum then takes Bethany home because it's about 3 by this time. After she gets back a surgeon rocks up and asks me THE SAME QUESTIONS. Oh, and by now I'd been given pain medication so my stomach wasn't hurting that much. The surgeon decided I didn't have appendicitis, thus didn't need surgeory, so he bogged off. The doctor came back, turns out I have an infection of some sorts, except no one knows what sorts, and sent me home with some anti-botics. Yet the reason my stomach was hurting wasn't answered. At least now it isn't throbbing.
You know the worse part of the whole thing? Totally missed what was happening with NCIS. My recollection is; pain, pain, pain, something about McGee being gay, pain, more pain, me complaining to everyone about pain, is Abby talking to herself? pain, pain, and then end credits.
After we got out the hospital we went to McCafe and got coffeee. Yay! I'm now running on that alone. I want to watch NCIS/sleep. But Bethany's watching it. This annoys me. Nevermind; she'll have to go to school soon. :D
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