@Poodger @Total_mischief @KillzoneSnake What I hate about GO is the matchmaking, though they might have changed that by now. Last time I played you'd never end up in the chosen game mode.
@Gamer_4_Fun That's cuz they're developing their new game engine. Don't miss the old days and look forward to the coming days. A new Source engine. That shit was mind blowing when it came out. We can only expect the same with the new version, and my money's on Half-Life 3 (or Episode 3 or whatever) will be the game released to show it.
@pip3dream They're working on a new Source engine. I doubt we'll see any video games from them until the engine is ready. And I really hope the new engine will be as mind blowing as Source was back when Half-Life 2 came out.
Total_mischief's comments