@Shadowdanc3r Because nature simply is. It's an abstract idea for sure, but nature is the big picture behind our insignificance. It's earthquakes killing thousands of people just as it's the trees that allow us to breathe. Corruption itself would just be part of nature. Or maybe it's not. No one can pretend to know what the natural harmony is beyond what is actually in front of us. We know that mammals of all kind practice homosexuality, and again mankind tries to exclude itself in a deluded sense of superiority, like it always did. That's my opinion anyway. I also think the hate on homosexuality just comes from our need to feel important and pretend we have some kind of purpose. We hate on what we view as wrongful, at what is not like us, for that simple need of not feeling insignificant. A waste of time really. We're a small part of a small planet of a small galaxy, and instead of making the best of what we constantly search for something to fight over.
@DevilMightCry If you didn't live under a rock you'd realize it's common, and that's not counting those that hide from society. I really don't care for homosexuality in my games, but the amount of stupid in the comments here is insane.
@ULTIMAbSlayin Except it's not. We do not define the laws of nature, nature does, and nature has made homosexuality a common behavioral pattern among many mammals, humans included. Try to base your arguments on something else than ignorance and stupidity next time.
@roganth @Spawnblade @Azure_Nova Please explain how homosexuality is dangerous ? Oh, also specify how it's more dangerous than alcohol. We're in for a good laugh I think.
@Lance-Marvelous As it was already said, homosexuality is a natural phenomenon. You can go out of your way to hate something that is harmless and doesn't affect you if you want, but don't hide behind false pretenses. You're just a jackass.
@spammehardo @Navydad101 I'll be honest, I don't understand the logic behind which drugs are legal. Alcohol is, weed isn't. We all know which one is more dangerous. That said, its hardly relevant to the point, one is a drug, the other is a military grade weapon with the sole purpose of taking life. Making something so dangerous available to everyone is as stupid an idea as there can be. As for a country exactly like the US...a good thing there isn't another one. Economic crisis, poor education system, contradictory religious beliefs still taint political and social decisions, homicide rates are higher than any other developped countries. And plenty of countries have no issues with having gun laws and freedom of speech, they're both unrelated issues, that one affects the other is just another bullshit pro-gun argument with nothing concrete to back it up beyond that weird zealous patriotism.
@Navydad101 People kill people, but people with easy access to guns kill a lot more people than people with knives. Your country has a problem. It's the most violent of developped countries, even if you exclude the guns. Putting guns into the lot is like giving a child a C4 detonator.
@spammehardo @Navydad101 Except you can't go on a murder spree with a bottle of beer, but you can with a semi automatic assault rifle. A simple look at other developped countries are the proof of the blind stubbornness behind the 2nd amendment. I don't know if guns are a way to overcompensate for something, but you'd think by now you would realize that this right to guns is not worth the lost life of children.
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