This is nothing alike standing in line 1-2 nights before to reserve a console. Read the article before arguing and try to understand the bottom line. Taking this "bait" is almost like purchasing something you don't know anything about.
Also corporate speech is common, nothing is delusional about that and thus is well executed from what someone can discern in this article.
@smouche_mole said:
@TransvormerSCol: corporate speech? You sound delusional
This is the modern day stand in line 1-2 nights before to reserve your Wii/PS3.
Would you prefer to do the latter? Or is this just ammo for you to b@&$h more?
Why Epic DRM? Why Denuvo DRM? If this game is great, then people will buy it even if it's - especially if it's - DRM free. If it's not, then they make it harder to crack at least.
I know Devs are not getting a fair share in many cases, however this doesn't justify to go full DRM.
I cancelled my Aurora Edition preorder after this, though I must admit that I lost interest already when I read that they put Denuvo DRM on the game too. I am not going to support this.
That said, I believe that this game is not going to be as great as people expect it to be. Devs and Publishers trying to maximize profit... We had this many times already... EA..Ubisoft...Square Enix.... Bethesda.... Activision.....kek
TransvormerSCol's comments