Metro is a shooter game, this game is meant to be played on PC, plus, you haven't to buy the game twice just because you need it on an other platform - It is the most interminable stable platform.
More than that, this game looks a lot better on PC than on console since it was even released. The 4A Engine is great, one of the best graphics engines I've ever seen. Consoles are not made for graphical power, so if you want to enjoy this, it shouldn't be done by playing it on console... People shouldn't care about in what resolution and what frames it will support for the console, because this is not the point for console games. It doesn't even makes sense...
"Only United States players are eligible for the cash and sponsored prizes, though all players worldwide can participate in the community-based goals, 2K said."
Wtf? If that's so, then this event will not make any sense for the non-us players...
Btw. regrding to the whole story here: can't wait to see the people playing with their fully cheated game profiles hahahaha.
Actually, it's a matter of time I am able to spent for playing games. I was waiting for Beyond Two Souls all the time since I heard about it. Also, there is a handful of games I own and never played yet. That's why I didn't buy The Last of Us, because right now, Beyond Two Souls is more interesting for me.
Well, sounds interesting, but I don't think that this is going to be successful in some way, because PC is not used for gaming only, people will more appreciate the flexibility of windows, linux etc. operating systems and a lot of useful programs, you know.
But maybe this can be installed into the HDD as second OS for a Windows or Linux based PC-system, so if you want to go play games with SteamOS, you just restart the PC and hit the desired OS you want to boot with. So, no problems using both operating systems.
1. 2009, ok, so what now? Even for 2009, CoDMW2+ was bull$hit.
2. Sure, the game is not complete yet, so the review should have wait for the complete game as well, but it has not. Besides, the campaign of CoD is even more annoying than the actual Arma3 multiplayer.
3. Yes you're right, and that's why I gave it a rating of 9.0/10 for now.
4. It's like you said it already. Because CoDMW2+ is a stupid arcade FPS game and Arma3 is not, so why does Arma3 catch a lower rating then that stupid FPS game anyway?
TransvormerSCol's comments