@finalkain have you played DayZ tho? For the most part I do agree with you, but DayZ is truly an exception, I just love the map size and exploration. A very different twist from normal zombie games.
Not this time EA... show me all the fancy CGI and visuals you want, my wallet will remain in my pocket until I have read/watched some reviews...
For too long you have taken the piss with marketing campaigns like this which 'promises' a spectacular masterpiece but actually delivers a steaming pile of shit whilst you work on 'fixing bugs' throughout the games life span.
@Shango4 Got given an original xbox as a gift, love halo 2 online soo much it made sense to get a 360 since I already had an xbox library.
Bought a PS3 for bluray and gaming - bitterly resented it, horrible OS, constantly needs updates like its on life support, which take forever to download and install (I can download 1GB+ files fairly quick on xbox so don't even bother bringing internet connection into this).
Hate the way you had to install games before playing them, GT5 anyone? With that said, ironically the PS3 had the most memorable games for me of this generation, my favourite is MGS4, a true masterpiece.
I don't care for xbox sales, or PS sales, I don't work either company so I make no money promoting one over the other, couldn't care less - I just feel frustrated by the PS3, it didn't have to be this way.
I have been incredibly impressed by the PS4 conference, they targeted their real audience really well, saying goodbye to the CELL and hello to good old X86 is the best thing to happen, in terms of allowing developers to spend more time on the creative process rather than trying to code around the awkward CELL chip.
Microsoft have pissed off most of us in the last couple of years, they seem to be losing the core gaming aspect of what the 360 was supposed to be, I mean just look at the dashboard.... it sucks, I thought metro on Win8 was bad, but on a console....? oh the horror! .... With the upcoming Microsoft conference if they talk anymore about their Kinect bullshit and hardly anything to do with core gaming I'm throwing my 360 in the motherfuckin' ocean, and pre-ordering my PS4
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