At your next upcoming event, follow these points and I assure you will do very well...
1. Do NOT mention the cloud, your not fooling anyone, just confusing people, "oh ma god guys its da power of dat cloud"
2. If you have to mention TV, netflix or any other non-game related bullshit, limit yourself to 5 minutes max
3. Allow Kinect to be disconnected, Ideally making it entirely optional like PS EYE would be ideal.
4. Think long and hard about a price drop... it will really bring the Xbone1 back into contention.
5. Once the event is over and you have hopefully carried out the above, simply SHUT THE **** UP until launch, you have real habit of screwing up PR due to some of the retarded bullshit you spit out.
after the policy reversal announcement all they had to do was SHUT THE **** UP and launch the console with some great titles .... oh MS you really don't get it do you
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