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TyZeRViRuS Blog

Level 31 and Blink Reunion

I reached level 31, yay for me.

Today I got some awesome news, as a Blink-182 fan its the news ive been waiting for, for years now.

The rumours of a reunion started at the end of last year, November i think, when drummer Travis Barker survived a plane crash which then brought the guys back together in talks with each other, then things really kicked off the other day, when it was announced that Blink would be getting back present an award at the Grammys, so I was waiting for either a surprise performance, or an announcement. And there we go, an announcement that they would be getting back together, soon followed by an update on their own site, myspace page, facebook page, youtube etc, with a new logo (header pic) and saying that a new album is on the way, and a tour. So damn happy with the news.

Ill update with some more gaming related stuff soon, so expect to see me around :D

100th Blog And 1st Of 2009


I havent been online in so long, I cant officially say im 'back' but I thought I'd better check on things and say hi to let you all know im still alive ;)

I dont have much to talk about to be perfectly honest, can only really say Im looking forward to the game releases of 09! Finally RE5 comes out this year! WOO!

Can't wait.

But yeah, for Christmas I got Fallout 3 (best RPG ever, loved it) and LBP (cool, but slightly disapointing) which was cool. Some people might not think its fair to say Fallout 3 is the best RPG ever, because of the FPS elements etc. but its the furthest I can enjoy an RPG, and it was awesome. Shame it only took me 3 days to complete the main quest (1st day I just messed around killing people and exploring to be fair) and then another couple of days to go back and load a save where i could just go and do all the side quests that i possibly could, and i feel like ive played it to death, so thats finished I guess. LBP was cool, completed the 'story' and played some levels online, but I just really dont have the time and patience to sit there and make my own level. Takes too long.... So partly my own fault that the game disapointed me.

Nevermind though.

So at the moment im not really playing any games at all...I picked up GT5: Prologue a couple of times but thats it. Instead I kinda got an addicition (I guess you could call it a short obsession) with Fight Club.... like, the whole story of it and everything the story stands for (and Tyler stands for, great name eh? ;) ) just interests me and I kinda relate in a weird way and believe the whole philosophy of it is so damn right. Other people have their opinions of course and may think its crazy lol. But whatever, so ive like dug out the DVD and watched it ive watched it twice every day nearly....:shock: Time to go watch it again actually....

Laters ;)

It's Been A While

I dunno what took me so long to write a new blog, but its probably better this way, having more to say. Anyway, I saw Resident Evil: Degeneration, and must say, as a Resident Evil fan, its awesome. It looks good, sounds good, and the story is cool. Well, actually, the story is cool in the way it fits nicely into the RE Universe, being canon and all. But if you wern't into the series, or maybe didn't know there was a series of games with the name, then the story might not be exactly great, in that way, its passable. Who cares anyway? Its made to fit into the games universe, and like that its great, so all is good.

Mirror's Edge... Mm.. Well I got it, and like it, its great, but honestly, it can be a real pain at times, so im kinda glad I got it for only £25 from Game. Looking forward to ME2 though.

Well Christmas is on its way, only so many days left. I wanna get a couple of PS3 games, but really am stuck, and so it would be cool if you guys can give me your opinions on 2 good PS3 games to get.

Here's a few im thinking of:

- Bioshock

- Fallout 3

- LittleBigPlanet

- Shaun White Snowboarding (Has anyone got/played it?)

- Resistance 2


Im stuck, currently Im going towards SWS and Fallout 3. But yesterday it was Bioshock and LBP, so I keep changing my mind.

Also this may be my last blog until after Christmas, so just in case, I hope everyone has a good Christmas :)

To All My Friends

Hey guys, I'm asking you all for a favour, for me, for a friend.

Some of you might know that tyzwain's LittleBigPlanet level design got a place in the LBP competition final here on GS. For his level to win, all you got to do is vote for it. As seen from his blog, and if it was your own level, it would mean the world, it would be so great to win and actually have your level in the game. Its Ty's chance for this, so I'm asking you guys to please vote for his level, not only does he want it more than anything, its an awesome level:P I wanna play it, he would be so grateful im sure. So please guys and gals, vote for Ty's level, its the first one:)

Ah Man....Say It Aint So...

This sucks. Really sucks. I mean yeah, its got me HYPED AS **** for RE5, but I hope theres a twist. Killing off my favourite game character ever? :shock: This cant happen.


Im Level 30!

Finally! Well this is the level I really wanted to reach, now that Im at this level I feel ive achieved everything I wanted to on GS, so thats cool:D

Im So Bored

And I'm back again, I was away from GS for a while again due to not having my laptop, and my PC got a virus (that horrible AntiVirus XP one, if you've had it you'll know what i mean) and I got rid of it, but it leaves your PC in a terrible state, as if its on life support machines, so I could barely run one program, which my choice is MSN/WLM, so sorry I havent been able to get on GS lately.

I am SO bored, its stupid. I gotta wait until december 1st for my driving test, which is AGES away. So thats a downer, then I also havent got a job yet, its also harder now as I got my eyebrow pierced:D its cool, but sucks that getting a job is harder lol. Then our band hit a low point where our bassist Jimi was dying, he was really ill, it sucked, so we went on hiatus. Now our recording is due for November, so thats another long month before we have that to look foward to. That means I have time to game though, which is awesome, one problem... Im bored of my games atm, all of them. So I cant wait for LBP, Fallout 3, Bioshock etc...


I'm already bored of typing this, so laters;)

My Top 5 Favourite Albums of All Time and I Failed

So lets get the bad bit out the way, I got my results for AS-Levels last week, if you've been following my blogs for sometime you might know I had a really bad year of school last year and I didnt behave too well. So bad results were to be expected. So yeah, I got 2 U's and a D. Woahhh, yeah so the school dont want me back, so Im taking an early gap year before taking my next 'big' step in life. So this year me and my friends from the year above me are gunna do stuff like go abroad, so I wonder where this year will take me. So for most people that ive spoken to, it seems a scary thought to not know what your doing at such a crucial age in life, but honestly, Im glad it turned out this way. With that I still weirdly have my real dream hopes alive, somehow. Yeah my band are going to start recording this week, none of us are great at what we do, but we're having fun and we dont wanna be taken seriously, and that seems to be part of our appeal in our local area. The first song we ever made is about Terrorists, so you can see where the bands going right? But yeah, once we record some stuff, we'll put it on our Myspace and Ill post a link here so you can see how terrible we are:D

Now for the next part, I had to think real hard about this, and now Ive come up with my favourite 5 albums of all time, and the reason. So here they are:

Number 5: The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem

Reason: This was the first album I ever bought by myself, with my own money. Its also my favourite rap album of all time, and its the album that made me appreciate that genre of music. Eminem's best album in my opinion, and by the looks of sales, I think it shows that.

Favourite Song: The Real Slim Shady - Yeah a bit obvious, and even though there are better songs on the album musically, its just a great, catchy song that come on, everyone knows. I can be in any mood to listen to this song, so thats why its my favourite.

Number 4: IOWA - Slipknot

Reason: This is the album that got me into heavier music, my favourite Slipknot album, and their most aggressive. This is also my favourite image of Slipknot, as their image does play a big part in the band.

Favourite Song: Left Behind - Who could forget that riff? And the crushing sound of the chorus? If you've heard the song, you wont forget it.

Number 3: Hooray For Boobies - The Bloodhound Gang

Reason: Excuse the title, but it totally sums up the whole album. Full of cheeky songs, and sexual innuendos. The songs are great, and funny. The albums full of them.

Favourite Song: Three Point One Four - I cant talk much about this song on GS, simply because its to do with something rhyming with China and Carolina. Yeah you get me. Funny song, great lyrics and the chorus is stupid. But also gotta give a mention to The Bad Touch, because everyone knows that song.

Number 2: OSC-DIS - The Mad Capsule Markets

Reason: This album is just full of great songs, and most change dramatically. Some songs just sound so different, yet still you know your listening to the same band. Some are a Techno beats mixed with some rap metal, some are punk songs mixed with drum and bass beats, and one is even metal mixed with ska. Not well known outside Japan, but these guys were big there. Its something very different to listen to.

Favourite Song: Pulse - This song was featured on Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3, so anyone who's played that will have heard it. Its a mix of a beat (known as the Amen-Break) and a simple 3 chord punk-rock song, with a catchy chorus and rap-metal verses. A great song.

Number 1: Enema of the State - Blink 182

Reason: Every single song on this album is great, catchy and easy to listen to. Was one of my first albums I owned, and I will always stick with this album. Its Blink's best album in my opinion and its also their best selling album, its also the one that got them the fame. This album got me into playing the guitar, and taught me you dont have to be great at playing an instrument or singing to be in a band and make music, not saying these guys are bad, since I still believe they were one of the best bands ever, and because they made songs that were so catchy, easy to listen to and easy to love. This album is a must buy for anyone.

Favourite Song: Every Song - Yeah every song on the album is my favourite, because I cant pick one. There's the obvious ones like 'What's My Age Again?' and 'All The Small Things', but also songs like 'Anthem', 'Aliens Exist' and 'Dumpweed' that people might of missed, all being great songs, and also their first serious song 'Adam's Song' is a really great song. I dont know what else to say about it, but go buy it if you dont have it. Best Album, EVER. :D

So there you have it, my favourite albums of all time, hopefully some of you will share yours:)

WTF! I Want My GS Back!

So there I was just browsing GS, one of few websites that truly felt like home, like I knew everthing about, whatever I needed to do on here I could do easily, I could find everything, everything was perfect. Then suddenly I click a link to my unions, and BAM! Im hit with this stupid GS Wide layout from that beta. Where did my old GS go? I feel like im on a new site, I dont like it. I felt comfortable of GS, now im lost again, like the very first few days on GS. Not only is it hard to find some of the stuff Im looking for, but the info about my account on the top right corner of my page is really small now, I can barely even see my avatar up there. Also, my user profile now looks poor. Really poor. The banner doesnt look like a banner anymore, just a random useless, wrongly-sized pic. It just doesnt fit, its the same for my blog header, they used to fit snugly (havent used that word in years) and now they just look stupid, Tetris blocks fit better on my page than these things. Infact, the page looks like a game of Tetris, just someone who was deliberatly trying to lose. everything is stacked up. Ill talk more later as I need to go out now. But damnit GS, Im not happy, atleast give us the choice of layout!