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TyZeRViRuS Blog

Fractured Wrist and Silent Hill 3

So yesterday I was punching my boxing bag without any gloves on, just hitting it normally, like any normal person would, and then it swung towards me, as I punched with my weaker hand (left) and I hit it low, right on the bottom where all the sand is, and if you've got a boxing bag then you'll know what I mean when I say its SOLID. Id rather punch a wall tbh, its actually so damn hard. So yeah, Ive got a hairline fracture on my wrist somewhere, and it aches, luckily I can still game and my right hand is free to do normal 'duties';) *cough* Yeah so back on track after that minor distraction, it hurts. Yeah, thats all I got to say really.

So today I went to pick up Unreal Tournament 3, when I got there, I didnt want to buy it. I dont know why, I just didnt feel like picking it up. So instead I went to the PS2 pre-owned bit in Gamestation, and theres all the usual offers, and among the '2 for £20' games I found Silent Hill 3, so I thought what the heck, played the others and they were ok...not exactly wasting money...I was looking for another game with the same offer, but couldnt find any, and then I saw Silent Hill 4: The Room, so I picked it up. Went to pay for them and stuff and saw an awesome Umbrella sweatband, so what the heck, pick that up too. Then the guy tells me that he cant find the disc for SH4, so I said I'll just buy SH3 on its own (£12). So anyways, I go home and shove it in, im relieved it works on my PS3 which I totally forgot about when I was at the shop. Start playing, and then realised how crap it was. Im sorry to all SH fans but this game is just a rip! So Capcom get success from Resident Evil, Konami cant take it, why not make our own 'Survival Horror' series, this is what they come up with? Im sorry, but this aint scary, not saying that RE is either, but atleast you get some jumpy moments out of it, this is pure crap, the camera angles are horrible! Not the angles themselves, but it never moves where you want it to move, it would do much better with static camera angles at the least, one thing thats good, is being able to move while at the ready with your weapon, thats awesome and all, but ****ing pointless because your enemies suck! I knew you had to die on the first bit, its the only way out of that bit etc, so I stood there with a few monsters, and they couldnt kill me. I had to go kill myself on the rollercoaster track. I thought this game would atleast be creepy, but you cant even give it that, this aint creepy, its stupid, its just dark, thats all there is too it, would be alright, if the monsters wernt given away by stupid noises and that damn radio. Not just that, but the game dont wanna use jump scares, so the darkness thing is pointless anyways. The enemies are laughable, the darkness is just annoying, camera sucks, sounds give the wrong mood, and another thing, Heather....I want her to be useless, very useless...but she's not, infact she can aim better than any S.T.A.R.S member, also, where the hell is the 'Master of Unlocking' when you need her? Ive never seen so many locked and broken doors in my life. I know this is a different type of horror to what we see in RE, but its just pure crap, how can anyone say this is scary? Theres nothing to fear, not even in game. Nothing on the game can hurt you, I mean, its so hard to die, that the opening bit is a dream where its a challenge to die! Now I know some of you might say that this isnt the best Silent Hill to play etc, or the others are scarier, well Ive played them all, and they're not. The best monster in SH? Pyramid Head, and he'd still get owned by Nemesis....

Level 25 and Other Stuff

Yeah Im now level 25, so yay for me.

As for the other stuff I wanna say sorry for not being very active lately, I come on for a while to check out blogs and unions, but I cant be bothered to do anything, Im not in a good mood. I hardly have time to game, well, I do, I just get on, and then get bored because im to busy thinking about other things to actually care. As for unions I will start being more active there, since im leader of 4 so I guess thats where I should be putting my effort to post. Then theres MSN, you people might have noticed that I aint got much to say lately, sorry about that, but I honestly couldnt give a **** about anything atm. I have other stuff on my mind right now, and it means more to me than anything. Just while im writing this it seems a bit depressing, so sorry about that, but it kinda is, dont wanna go all emo on you all, just thought Id let my friends know why im being a **** atm. Hopefully I'll get this sorted soon, but im waiting for someone whos taking their damn time. Girls just cant make up their minds:roll: Not much else to say...well, not much else I feel like saying, but I'll update with a new blog soon.

School Is Dead, Im Gone

Yeah today sucked. Today we got our reports, and it showed that in all 3 of my subjects I have an attendance of below 50%. After not going to a media lesson yesterday, I saw my teacher today, he asked where I was an I said I was ill, so he asked if I was going to his lesson at last period, of course I said yeah. Well the day went on, and then I got the horrible news that one of my best friends just got his slip to say he could leave school, he's now leaving this friday. So yet another good friend leaves, and then theres all the people who have already left, not so many people here now. So today sucked, I knew I was in the ****, but then it got worse, for some reason I just couldnt go to media last period. I just really didnt wanna go, so I walked home. Then my dad called, he said that my mum couldnt get through to call the house, but she told my dad that the school had called about not just me, but my brother as well, apparently he had a fight in a lesson or arguement or something, and they told my mum that I didnt hand in my media homework and that I didnt turn up to the lesson, this was then built up when they told her that out of 13 media lessons I only turned up to 4. So then they checked my attendance and realised it wasnt just media. So yeah, im screwed. My mum is major pissed off, getting 2 calls from school in the space of 20 mins, and all this stuff thats happening. So I gotta go in school tomorrow with my mum at 8:30am, its a meeting with the teachers and the head of 6th Form and the head of school. Its gunna suck, but I already know im gone, they said so themselves, theres a 99% chance im gone, but it isnt 100% official that im gone, simply because the head didnt say so. And thats why its such a small chance of me staying, the head hates me, for all the stuff Ive done, all the fights Ive had, smashing that kids head through the window, shutting down the school's servers, jumping out a window, not going lessons, egging shops, having fights down the rec etc. So I dont think I stand a chance.

So then, its lucky I took an interest in the army a couple of months ago, Ive been going down to the local centre in MK, just asking about the stuff I could do, what I need etc. and Ive decided that I wanna join the army, Im joining as a regular infantry soldier where you learn the basics, and then go onto one of the many things you can do, driver, motarman, paratrooper, combat medic etc. and I wanna go for Sniper, when I think about it, its exciting (to me anyway), I know it'll be hard work and everything, but for what you get to do its worth it. So Im going to 'sign-up' this weekend.

If I can stay in school until June/July, or whenever the years over, then that would be great, as it gives me something to do and I get to see my mates, maybe pick up some AS-levels too:P If I do go then well it sucks, I'll be bored as hell, and I feel sorry for my friends who are stuck in the damn place. Also, some of you might see that im not too active at the moment, Im sorry about that, should be back to normal soon, just a few problems with a girl I gotta sort out, and its kinda important etc. Like I said, back to normal soon though:)

On a sidenote, went to see Cloverfield last friday, gotta say, it was good, actually, it was awesome, definately worth going to see:)

Leader Of A Union I Cant Lead?

This is weird, I got a PM ages ago to be charter for a Dead or Alive Union, the leader being Nelo100. I joined, but found that only 2 charters had accepted. It stayed like this for a while, and just now I got a PM saying im leader. Only problem is I cant lead the union because its still in the charter stage, and the charters wont accept. Infact, I dont even know who the charters are! What on earth am I meant to do??

Resident Evil: Ruins of The Past | Part 9

The Captain and David finally found Delta, they we're outside the door to the underground complex. Charlie Team were meant to be assisting Alpha through the next stages of their mission, but since Alpha only consisted of The Captain and David, and the fact that Charlie has been wiped out, they had no choice but to improvise. Delta team had moved from inside the complex, they were now back where they started, ready to go again, but with Alpha on hand. The body of their team mate was still crushed under the door, David used a breaching kit to make his way though to the other side, they now had to search the complex, with two more team members with them, Scott knew they could go on and do what they went there to do. Together they moved down the dark halls, The Captain took point, Scott following behind him, David joined the rest of Delta, he worked well with Ash.

The doors opened randomly and suddenly, anything could've come from them. "Have you seen them yet?" Scott looked back at The Captain with a puzzled look, "Them?" The Captain stood still, "The infected, they're deadly, they took out most of my team and also the whole of Charlie, damn they run fast. You see anything move, anything, then you tell me immediately, that goes for all of you." The team looked around at each other, the guys from Delta hadn't come close to finding any infected. The Captain's radio started crackling, then they heard the voice of Simon. "Sir, I think we've found the system core, its been hacked into. I think we should shut it down." The Captain was quick to respond, "No, you shut that down and that's could be the end for all of us. Suddenly there was an interference on the radio, a high pitch screech drowned out all the noise. Then there was the whispers again, cold voices. There was a low rumble sound, it faded and got lower in pitch. The lights that were flickering on and off stopped. The team responded and turned on their flashlights, "I can't see much, make sure we all keep our lights steady in the same direction. Ash, you watch our backs. The rumble noise was back, it got higher and louder, as if power had been restored, the lights were still out, but every door opened up. Then there was a noise, somewhere between a roar and a hiss.

"Oh god no..." David put a knee on the ground, he aimed down his scope and aimed it at each door, waiting for something to happen. Ash was sweating, his hands were shaking, and his breathing was heavy. "Just hold still..." As The Captain spoke they began to pour out of the doors. "Fire!" The team started unloading clip after clip of ammunition into the virus carriers. "Its not working, there's too many of them! Move!" The Captain was about to run the other way when Ash stopped him, "They're coming that way too". The Captain turned back again, "We're gonna have to go through them, fire and run!" The Captain started firing into them as he ran past, the team did the same, Shortly was the last to follow and was trying to run backwards as he fired on them. The rest of the team were sprinting down the corridors, the zombies followed at a terrifying pace. They were getting closer, they reached a door, The Captain slammed into the door, he tried to open it, but someone was holding it on the other side. "Wait, we're not one of them, let us in!" The door opened, behind it was a member of Bravo, the team were still running from the zombies, Ash tripped over in panic, Shorty was still running backwards shooting down the zombies, he didn't see Ash and fell right over the top of him. "****! Get them up!". The zombies were even closer, one dived on top of Shorty, "No!" Scott ran back and kicked the zombie off of him, but it was too late, Shorty was bitten on the arm. "Come on, we'll be safe in there! Ash, get up, now!" Scott pulled Shorty up, Ash quickly got back up and they ran inside the room. The zombies crashed into the door, but the team held it up. "What the **** is going on here!?" The Captain shouted. Finally the teams, or what was left of them were back together. "And who the hell are you?" Josie looked up and thought to herself, great....stuck with another group of 'hopefuls' that don't realise what's actually going on here. I've made the mistake of trusting other people in times of desperation twice now. I'm sure one of these guys are gonna be another traitor...saying that, they cant be since they work for Umbrella already...

Level 24 and Other stuff...

Yeah I made it to level 24, so yay for me:) Also, join my union, I just sent out invites. And lastly, the next part of my story is confirmed for tonight, I will post it, promise:)

Leader of Another Union

Yeah Im now leader of The Next-Gen Evil Union, Bladeshock cant get on GS much, so Im taking over.:D So, if you like horror games, or lets put it the other way, if your looking foward to RE5 then join:P Ill send invites tomorrow:) Also I think Ill do the next part of my story tomorrow, so look foward to it.:)

Glitch Alert!

Yes they are at it again, GlitchSpot has now ranked everyone Level 00, damn glitches...they better get fixed soon.

Need New Officers For Changing Union

Yeah so Im changing the BooMStick Union as it was handed down to me after dying, and it never managed to get active again. So instead, im going to change it to 'The Final Verdict' which will be a union for ratings and reviews, in the union we'll post members reviews of games, movies, music etc. We can reflect on the critics scores and reviews for these too, and discuss them. News for games will be posted to keep you up to date with all the latest goings on, and we can rate the news too, the union is all about opinion, where we can discuss and give our opinions on anything within those catagories (maybe some others too) and everything can be rated and reviewed, it will all be posted on the union:) So, none of my officers are active in the union, and its time to let them go, they will all be demoted. Meaning I need some reliable officers, so if you wanna join the union, or become an officer please comment saying so. I'll be working on changing it tonight, if I get enough responses soon enough, I will start inviting people, with new officers coming first. If not, then I'll wait until tomorrow:)