So yesterday I was punching my boxing bag without any gloves on, just hitting it normally, like any normal person would, and then it swung towards me, as I punched with my weaker hand (left) and I hit it low, right on the bottom where all the sand is, and if you've got a boxing bag then you'll know what I mean when I say its SOLID. Id rather punch a wall tbh, its actually so damn hard. So yeah, Ive got a hairline fracture on my wrist somewhere, and it aches, luckily I can still game and my right hand is free to do normal 'duties';) *cough* Yeah so back on track after that minor distraction, it hurts. Yeah, thats all I got to say really.
So today I went to pick up Unreal Tournament 3, when I got there, I didnt want to buy it. I dont know why, I just didnt feel like picking it up. So instead I went to the PS2 pre-owned bit in Gamestation, and theres all the usual offers, and among the '2 for £20' games I found Silent Hill 3, so I thought what the heck, played the others and they were ok...not exactly wasting money...I was looking for another game with the same offer, but couldnt find any, and then I saw Silent Hill 4: The Room, so I picked it up. Went to pay for them and stuff and saw an awesome Umbrella sweatband, so what the heck, pick that up too. Then the guy tells me that he cant find the disc for SH4, so I said I'll just buy SH3 on its own (£12). So anyways, I go home and shove it in, im relieved it works on my PS3 which I totally forgot about when I was at the shop. Start playing, and then realised how crap it was. Im sorry to all SH fans but this game is just a rip! So Capcom get success from Resident Evil, Konami cant take it, why not make our own 'Survival Horror' series, this is what they come up with? Im sorry, but this aint scary, not saying that RE is either, but atleast you get some jumpy moments out of it, this is pure crap, the camera angles are horrible! Not the angles themselves, but it never moves where you want it to move, it would do much better with static camera angles at the least, one thing thats good, is being able to move while at the ready with your weapon, thats awesome and all, but ****ing pointless because your enemies suck! I knew you had to die on the first bit, its the only way out of that bit etc, so I stood there with a few monsters, and they couldnt kill me. I had to go kill myself on the rollercoaster track. I thought this game would atleast be creepy, but you cant even give it that, this aint creepy, its stupid, its just dark, thats all there is too it, would be alright, if the monsters wernt given away by stupid noises and that damn radio. Not just that, but the game dont wanna use jump scares, so the darkness thing is pointless anyways. The enemies are laughable, the darkness is just annoying, camera sucks, sounds give the wrong mood, and another thing, Heather....I want her to be useless, very useless...but she's not, infact she can aim better than any S.T.A.R.S member, also, where the hell is the 'Master of Unlocking' when you need her? Ive never seen so many locked and broken doors in my life. I know this is a different type of horror to what we see in RE, but its just pure crap, how can anyone say this is scary? Theres nothing to fear, not even in game. Nothing on the game can hurt you, I mean, its so hard to die, that the opening bit is a dream where its a challenge to die! Now I know some of you might say that this isnt the best Silent Hill to play etc, or the others are scarier, well Ive played them all, and they're not. The best monster in SH? Pyramid Head, and he'd still get owned by Nemesis....
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