Ok, I cant be bothered to list all the names of people who asked questions, so I'll just list the questions with answers, you'll know yours since you asked it.
Your favourite type of food?
I dont really have a favourite type of food, I dont eat much but I'll eat anything, im not crazy over food like some people:P
What got you into Resident Evil?
Playing the first game, I remember my Dad buying it and playing it, and I watched him play, then I had a go myself, but of course being so young I wasnt very good, then I got RE2 and RE3 for myself, and Ive played them since, only really got to understand the story fully when the Remake came out and then Zero, then RE4 was just awesome and yeah, Im still into Resident Evil today:D
How old are you?
Why isnt Roadefest yearly?
It is, but we do 3 a year, one for each month of May, June and July. Thats Part 1, 2 and 3, and that adds up to the Roadefest 08.
Whats your favourite drink?
To be honest I like so many drinks, but you cant beat a good beer...and I like most beers so I wont pick any specific one.
Whats that one melodramatic song that can make you cry?
No song has made me cry, some songs are sad, but thats because you reflect the lyrics or melody to stuff thats happened in your life, most probably sad moments. So I cant answer that one:D
What has been the longest time that you've been single?(After your first girlfriend)
Erm...I really dont know, because I dont count, yet I know its never been longer than a year for sure, Ive had quite a few girlfriends :? And some were on and off...I dont know if thats a good thing or not about having many girlfriends...but yeah, atleast I dont dump them after a week like some people do, thats just silly:P
Do you know Sheena's Love Interest? Whats his (or Her) Name?
Nope, why do you want to know that? And I dont see why I would know either..lol Sheena you gotta tell me something;)
Are you divorced?
I was never married:P
Pateito or Patato?
Is that as in pronounciation of Potatoe? If so then Pateito....
Whats your Real Name?
Whats your favorite person on GameSpot?
Cant say, one its harsh, and two, I actually dont know:P
Who do you dislike most here on GameSpot?
Well nobody, maybe those idiots on the forums who think they can beat anyone, and think they know everything about a certain game, also there was this one guy called Drewski, something like if you didnt agree with him or something, or didnt like Tails then your not his friend, or you generaly suck, and I mean come on, people like that I would love to knock out, and he needs to grow up, just because you dont like something he loves ever so much, what a douche, and yes this is now a rant, im glad he got banned, he sucked, I dont like him and if he managed to read this somehow then come find me please so I can beat the crap out of you for sucking so hard.
Are My questions starting to annoy you?
No but copying and pasting your questions kinda sucks because I know Ive got loads of others from other people to do.
Do You believe in Santa Claus?
Sorry to the kids on here (most people act like them) but I dont;)
Are you in any Religion? Better to Rule in Hell,Then to Serve in Heaven.....Your Thoughts?
Nope, I'll believe what I want to believe and nobody will change that, to be honest all that kinda stuff seems to be proven wrong and to me seems like a desperate cry for help, or false hope. Just my opinion, dont bother arguing because like I said, you cant change what I believe and religion annoys me, totally pointless, just get on with your life..
What's your least favourite food?
I havent really got a least favourite food. Food is boring.
What's the first game you ever played?
Sonic The Hedgehog on the good old MegaDrive:)
Do you have any bad habits?
Swearing...I swear way to much. Fighting....I get into so many fights. Doing stupid things...police know me well now:)
What's your earliest childhood memory ?
I really dont wanna talk about it to be honest:? One of my earliest though, I was playing Sonic The hedgegog and got stuck on the first fight with Dr. Robotnik, I had to call my mum in to help me do it, I was VERY young then, I cant really remember much else, I used to be glued to the system all the time though:P
Will Faller ever give up trying to find out who I like ?
I really dont know, do you wanna tell me though?
Whats your favourite...Umm.. FPS?
TimeSplitters 2...by MILES! and Future Perfect was close too:D
Games more gimmicks like the wii fit or just great software?
I dont understand you question, I believe you've missed something and thats why I cant understand exactly what your asking, but slightly on subject with my thoughts, Wii is a gimmick IMO, I wanna see some new cool games for PS3, ones that look unique, the latest one Ive seen is Mirrors Edge which looks very cool.
Do you think virtual gaming will ever exist?
Yeah, but not in the way we imagine though...it will happen some way though:)
Jo Beth Casey shows up at your door, what do you do!?
Erm...well I would ask if she wanted to go find some Zombies to kill, because if I asked her to come in and do some 'cool stuff' then Zoe would kill me...literaly, and at the moment I'd rather be living, so I wont push my luck:)
I win multiple millions in a lottery! - you up for a big ol party!?
Hell yeah! You could fund the next Roadefest and we could make it the biggest party in the world!:D
Anything ay? How's you cat?
She's good thanks.
Do you have a cat?
Do you want a cat?
Nope, got one already.
How wood can a wood chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Dont tease my intelligence.
What's your favorite song ever?
Oh dear...so many...but R.D.M.C by The Mad Capsule Markets edges it slightly.
Do you like politics?
Politics in what way? Because politics can be so many things, no comment, because theres a big argument going on in my head now, thanks.
If you had three wishes what would they be and why?
1- I wish I had infinate wishes.
...there ya go, then I wouldnt need to think about my wishes so hard...also, you can have my other two wishes.
how good a gamer are you? (be honest)
Well it depends really, some games im really good at, Ive never lost in some, some Im good at and I get a good challenge on, sometimes I get my arse kicked, it all depends really, depends what game, and what mood im in, sometimes im too relaxed and not really in the mood to concentrate, sometime I can make a mistake and get frustrated which just makes me worse. Sometimes Im so relaxed I play the game and do really well without even thinking about playing it.
How excited are you to see more excerpts of this story I'm writing?
Pretty excited.
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?
I dont know, but I can check laters.
Was your mother bald? FATHER, SISTER, COUSIN, twice removed?
What's 414 divided by 6?
My favourite position. ;)
Why do you have a Myspace page?
Because thats where all my friends are, and Im quite popular;) Plus its a good place to get to know me, since messaging is easy, photos work well, you can tag photos and it just works well. A good site to stay in touch with friends.
Why TyZeRViRuS as a name?
Its a mix between my name, nickname/s and reference to Resident Evil:D
Anything to do with the drink?
Nope, that stuff makes me hyper:P
Or more to do with the T-Virus?
Is HAZE any good?
Yeah its cool, people expected too much from it though and its been overlooked.
do u still remember me?
Nope, sorry:P
if some1 asked 4 help, would u help them?
Yeah...depends though, lately ive been getting sick of doing stuff for people and never getting anything back.
if some1 needed help on a game, would u help them?
if the 2 above this question r yes, do u want 2 join my union and help a nice cause?
Maybe...I aint really got time for unions atm, but when summer hits....
any weird habit yu can't refrain from doing?
Nope...not any weird habbits, but a habbit I have is swearing, I dont think I can go a sentance without swearing:? You wouldnt believe how hard I try just for GS's rules.
Okies yeah, done, thanks for your questions. Right, now that RE5 trailer, all I can say is....OMFG! looks ****ing awesome. I cant wait...Im getting a headache, so im gunna leave it here. Ill talk about it another time.
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