Uloset's forum posts
What about a little game called "Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind"?! It is, BY FREAKING FAR, the greatest game to be released on last-generation consoles. That game alone out-does anything on Gamecube.
Well that's your opinion. I've played it on PC (superior version, of course) and I got bored of it pretty soon.
Yep, completely my opinion. I'm of the opinion that the Elder Scrolls series is the greatest series of games ever made. So in my book, XBox wins it due to that game, alone. Then you also have games like Halo 1 & 2, Jade Empire, Panzer Dragoon Orta, MechAssault 1 & 2, WWE Raw, and so many more great exclusives.
I think Elder Scrolls wasn't mention as the OP was looking for exclusives and the ES3 was released on PC a solid monthly before the Xbox. Yea most of the "Only on Xbox" titles eventually made their way to PC, but Halo 1-2, Fable etc...were at least exclusive for a decent amount of time to the Xbox.Please everyone knows it is going to be a quantum computer. :D
lol Another48hours no one ever seems to read your post too well. First you mention 4th and 5th gen and then no licensed soundtracks and everyone is talking about 6th and 7th gen racers with licensed music and even RPGS.
I always was partial to the North American Manufacturers themes of Gran Turismo. They were much better for hyping you up than the jazzy stuff on the original Japanese release and ever other GT since.
Of curse I could never skip F-Zero SNES man I loved that soundtrack.
I also am partial to Road Rash II the Hawaii them being my favorite.
Also not a huge fan of the Music overall, but the main theme for Stunt Racer FX fit the cartoony atmosphere of the game perfectly
Thanks for the input everyone.
I've played GT5 to death and since I haven't got around to Forza recently, I was wondering which would be the better buy? I'm not looking to purchase any DLC's and I really don't play online.
I know my XBOX got more playtime overall than my GC, but I think much of that was because I bought all my multiplat titles for it.
Only exclusives (at the time) I really played a lot on Xbox were Halo 1-2 and Ninja Gaiden. I enjoyed the Bioware games, but never felt compelled to play them through more than once and the racers were descent but I never got hooked on them.
The GC I put lots of hours into:
Metroids Prime 1-2
RE Remake
RE Zero
F-Zero GX
Eternal Darkness
SW: Rogue Squadron 2 & 3
Ikaruga (An exclusive in NA)
For everyone saying Sony can't afford another high end system, lets take a look at Sega. Sega wasn't doing so well when the Dreamcast launched and it was pretty damn powerful for the time. True the DC failed, but the PS4 isn't going up against the hype machine and cheap dvd player that the PS2 was.
What? Thats a terrible example :lol:
The failure of the dreamcast knocked Sega down to third party. The same will happen to Sony.
Umm did you read the 2nd half of my statement. Nothing next gen is going to have the hype behind it that the PS2, that killed the DC more than anything.
For everyone saying Sony can't afford another high end system, lets take a look at Sega. Sega wasn't doing so well when the Dreamcast launched and it was pretty damn powerful for the time. True the DC failed, but the PS4 isn't going up against the hype machine and cheap dvd player that the PS2 was.
The 360 is way ahead in North America, but I think you forgot about the rest of the "West"...Europe when you claimed MS is dominating the West.
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