Rhetorically, I don't think the Conservative candidates that could win the primary (Mitt or Perry) can best Obama in a debate.
That bit does. not. matter.
If Republicans voted on the basis of debate results then Bush would have lost both times. They vote on the basis of who they feel they can relate to and who looks "presidential". Simply by virtue of him being mixed race and from a multicultural background there is a good 20-33% of the Republican Party that would NEVER vote for Obama.
This is the same proportion of the party that firmly clings to the belief that Obama is a foreign born Muslim, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were buddies, and that nuking Iran/Syria/North Korea is actually a good idea.
They're a minority but they also move the party because they're by far the most vocal component of it. They're of an extremely narrow and narrow-minded religious perspective, they have very compartmentalized minds, and they instinctively distrust if not hate people who they feel are outsiders, which actually means most of the U.S. population.
Rush Limbaugh could get on the air tomorrow and tell them that Obama gave a speech to the Premier of the PRC in a yellow polkadot bikini and they would not only believe him, they'd consider that lie sufficient basis for attempting to impeach. Unfortunately I do not believe I'm exaggerating on this point as Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and others continue to tell whoppers even larger than this without consequence or loss of credibility on the part of their listeners.
I can agree with nearly all ofthat, however the debates and rhetoricare for the mushy middle independents who are more important the Republicans than their dominionist base because like you said, they will always vote against someone like Obama.
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