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UncleKyle01 Blog

Happy BIrthday to me!

Yes it's my birthday. I try to not to make serious posts all that often because I am not serious all that often. My family celebrated it last night which was cool. No real fights broke out. Then this morning the alarm went off at 7:00. I really did not want to get up. I volunteer with Bikers Against Child Abuse or BACA because I can’t drive a motorcycle I can only be supporter. I am still earning my patch. Anyway, this morning I just did not want to go to court which is what I do the most of for BACA because I am on permanent long term disability because of my auto-immune disease my days are free and we just provide a presence in the court room that makes the child fell safe. BACA does many others things for the children like provide counseling, take the kids on rides, just be available 24 hours a day  for the kids but I don’t get to do much of that. So, I did not want to get up but I did. I went set in court for over an hour to find out the case was moved. We stayed until the end of session and left. I thought to myself why am I doing this and still grumbling. A few hours later it turned out something good happened because of what we did this morning. I never learn that lesson enough. No matter how bad I have it there are so many people or even kids that have it worse than I do.:|



            Protector of the Children

Polka Music!

Roll out the barrel! That’s all I know of that song. I don’t even know if there are any more words. As a family we go to Oktoberfest in Snowbird Utah every year. Who would have thought that one of the biggest festivals in the US would be a beer festival in Utah. The picture was taken in 2005 and this band is the Bavarians. They have been playing Oktoberfest in Utah for as long as I can remember. The lady playing the accordion is a Gold Medal World Champion accordion player. Cory, the dude with the banjo is good too. Every year my family goes the first or second week and sit in the same place and stay for about six hours. It is so much like each previous year it is spooky. The Bavarians always say hello to us. So this year I brought my picture from the year before and they signed it. No lines just me with a black sharpie. :P

Embrace your inner monster!

So my therapist said I was to placating. I did'nt stand up for myself so I should embrace my inner monster. Then he took I-pod and kicked me out of his office. But I was just sitting there and you know I should have been faster. He was nice before he robbed me.

Mty Rank?

What happened to my Rank. And contributions. It shows my contributed links but zip for anything else!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :cry:


Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.               Dalai Lama.

Dad's Girl!

Me and my Daughter

:D That my little girl. Okay so she is 18 and goes to the University. But I love when she comes to visit. I ordered us the same jackets. I am glad she is not to much like me but just enough to be able to have fun. She is good girl that works hard at school and I can in no way take credit for her good up habits. She loves me thought even if I don't deserve it.