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UncleKyle01 Blog

Salt Lake City rebuilding.

Downtown Salt Lake City to undergo major renovation, 3 city blocks will be leveled. All the cool little stores like the old book store and the smoke shop. Gone. To be replaced by a “more family” friendly river walk with anchor department store Macy’s. A new grocery store. The official press release made it very clear that this was being done by the “Mormon Church” and the over 3 billion dollars was not tithe money. It is being done by an investment group owned by the Mormon Church and will be connected to existing Church property. When the project is done all of the new stores will be closed on Sunday, including the grocery store. If the Dali Lama closed downtown Salt Lake City on Sundays I would be upset at him too. I like to go downtown on Sundays because Salt Lake City is a lot less crowded on Sundays.  The Mormon Church has done some nice things for the state of Utah but I thought the “Blue Laws” (those laws which governed the closing of stores on Sundays) were long off the books but here we go.

Okay I know I complain to much here I go.

November 16 6:00 am

 My employer Announces they will no longer

 Continue to pay their part of the medical premium

 For all disabled and retired employees. We

 Will have to Cobra our health insurance as of

  January 1 2007. As of yesterday afternoon

 Our HR department was no longer answering

 their phones. Our retirement plans were also

 frozen and will be stopped and can be taken

away. Sound un-American? Remember the

meeting the President Bush had with the big

three auto makers last week?  Yep, they

 wanted approval to do this. I know many

People have no health insurance but to take

Benefits you have earned or truly need?

Utah search and Rescue.

 The avalanche victim yesterday was the exception not the rule. They all had proper gear (This is per scanners and news reports) which for outback skiing is an avalanche beacon on for one. It saved this dudes life yesterday. You come ripen off a ridge which is where this guy was and into a bowl (which is more like a chute) and the ridge breaks off behind you. So you start going ass over tea kettle (That swim it stuff is crap, its more like jumping out of a plane tighten your legs rolls, I don’t know, I have not been skiing for years and when I did I never went back country) so anyway you are rolling and that sets off this beacon which has a long antenna. It sends out a signal that is audible and radio receivable. You best hope your buddies come out better than you did because the guys not covered start looking for the guys covered. Yesterday the worst injured was covered for 10 minutes and not breathing when they dug him out. His buddies got him breathing again and called for help which this time of the year is hard because officially they were trespassing on back country of a closed resort. The Sheriff Search and rescue got the call. Most Utah search and Rescue teams are Volunteer here in Utah. They are headed by like the sheriff or if it is Zion national park then Park and wild life.

Last year’s search and rescue had their second busiest year ever.

Last year a friend and his brother were climbing close to where I live. His brother fell and died. It took four days to get the body. We were told it was their hardest retrieval ever but I don’t know it had been a long season. In stead of flowers the family wanted people to donate to search and rescue because people use their own equipment and time. I will say they put their lives on the line and it is always rescue first and ask questions later.

Oh boy. You know its winter when

Avalanche Mapping and the sound of exploding shells :D

This is early for avalanches, but it has been snowing for 3 days in the mountains.

Every year people go further and further to push the limit earlier. Then rescue service people put their lives on the line.