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The Chicken caper.

Columbus, Ohio was the city and this was in a small local newspaper.

Police are hunting a robber who held up a shop at gunpoint dressed as a giant chicken. The wanted man walked into the grocery store in Columbus, Ohio, in the yellow costume and demanded cash from the safe.

We have guys with fake moustaches now and again but never anything like this, a Columbus police spokesman said. “The person obviously has some kind of access to a chicken suit, or possibly even owns a chicken suit,” he told local television. “So if you know of someone, please call the robbery squad.”

The man fled on his giant orange feet but was not pursued. He faces several charges, including robbery, aggravated menacing and intimidation.

Well, let see here. The person obviously has some kind of access to a chicken suit.  Uh, yep. Wow, great detective work.

I might be wrong but the thought of this guy running out door on his giant orange feet and hopping into his Chicken Mobile does not bring to mind aggravated menacing.

Well if anybody should happen to see a man in a chicken suit hiding out in a bar or ducking through an alley. Columbus’s finest could use your help. :shock:

Jerusalem Syndrome.


You may have heard of the unusual psychological disorder Jerusalem Syndrome, in which visitors to the Holy City somehow get swallowed up by the delusion that they are Jesus Christ, and dress and behave like him.

I think I have uncovered other kinds of syndromes attached to appropriate locations. Let’s start with:

Brisbane Syndrome. Sufferer dresses in khaki shirt and skimpy shorts, attempts to climb into estuaries and wrestle crocodiles, and says “Crikey!” a lot.

Chicago Syndrome. Sufferer dresses in double-breasted suit and fedora, eats spaghetti at most meals, threatens people with a machine gun and cheats on taxes a lot.

Stockholm Syndrome. Oh wait, there’s already one of those.

Wellington Syndrome. Sufferer dresses in loose floppy clothes, grows a bushy beard and is overweight and unkempt. Carries around a viewfinder and mutters phrases such as “More orcs!” and “Come to me, my precious”. Can often be found in cinemas.

Deadwood Syndrome. Sufferer dresses in shabby Wild West attire and/or stained and unwashed long-johns, drinks copious quantities of rye whisky, and liberally peppers conversations with words such as “fu#@”, "co#k&r” and “p*s#y”.

Westminster Syndrome. Sufferer dresses in twinset and pearls, casts eyes downward under a floppy fringe and protests often “I am not bulimic”. Is very thin. :D

Any I have missed?

Snow is good and bad!

Snow is good and bad. I don’t like going out to clean off the satellite but that is no big deal. Hearing the sirens and knowing that people will be getting into accidents is bad. Knowing people will be flocking to our ski resorts to hopefully have a fun and accident free vacation is good.

Good News

It looks like I will be able to afford the Cobra that FIS is offering. I will take all but $150 but if I can continue to get the infusions that started in October and see the results it will be worth it.

My Mother

This is the weekend we all helped Mom put up her nativities. How hard can that be? With the ones we all brought with us 117. Some are really big and others really small. From all over the world. We have to rearrange the whole house to get them out and set them up. Then my parents will have open houses for friends. The hunt to find a nativity she does not have gets more expensive every year but she loves them so. It's a lot of fun.

The History of Motorcycle Gangs. Part 1.

In the beginning there was The Indian Motorcycle Company, 1901 to be exact and the people saw that it was good. Ah but surly it could be better and two years later The Harley-Davidson Motor Company was formed. It would actually be many years before that was really be true. Not when it started but the being better part that’s my opinion. Anyway, one of the first Motorcycle clubs was the Federation of American Motorcyclists or FAM in 1903. FAM was mostly organized to improve the conditions in which they road their motorcycles. There were a half dozen motorcycle companies that were very successful between 1901 and 1920. Mostly because compared to the cars of the day motorcycles, which were just bicycles with motors, were inexpensive. Before the great depression a big-twin Harley Davidson model was roughly $375. After the great depression The Indian Motorcycle Company and The Harley-Davidson Motor Company were the only two major manufactures of motorcycles left.

 One of the first Outlaw Motorcycle gangs appeared in 1936 and was the McCook Outlaws from Cook County Illinois which encompasses the city of Chicago. The McCook Outlaws became the Chicago Outlaws and are known today as The Outlaws.  According to members of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club the original members congregated for the purposes of long distance touring which was very exciting in the 1930’s on mostly dirt roads and racing on flat quarter-mile dirt tracks, and oval wooden board tracks. Even then the biker pastime of massive consumption of alcohol and rabblerousing was also a part of early biker life. On the back of their mechanics overalls was stenciled the club name and this predated the wearing of leather Jackets and Vests. If you read the Outlaws Motorcycle Club History webpage, the club’s organizational logo, who is called Charlie a skull centered over two crossed pistons and connecting rods, similar to a Jolly Roger pirate’s flag was heavily influenced by the attire worn by Marlon Brando’s character Johnny in the 1954 film The Wild One.

 An all female motorcycle club has maintained an American Motorcyclist Association club charter for more than 60 years. They charter in 1940 and they may well be the oldest established motorcycle club in the world, older even than the world famous Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, which formed in 1947 but they get a lot less press.

  World War II did two things for motorcycle clubs and gangs slowed or even stopped their growth then caused an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang explosion.

McCook Outlaws at a motorcycle rally Soldier Field Chicago from the 1940`s

Here I go again.

If the US government determines that it's against the law for the words
"under God" to be on our money, then, so be it.

And since they have prohibited any prayer in the schools, by their authority, then so be it.

I would like to think that those
officials have the American Public's best interests at heart.


Since they don't want to pray God or can't Trust in God. I don't believe the Government and its employees should participate in Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government wants to eliminate from American life

I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Easter. After all, it's just another day.

I'd like the US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving and Easter as well as Sundays. After all, it's just another day.

I'd like the Senate and the House of Representatives not to worry about getting home for "Christmas Break." After all, it's just another day.

In fact, I think that government should work on Sundays (initially set aside for worshipping God...) because, after all, our government says that it should
be just another day....